It is exciting to hear that 19-year-old Annie Boima, has survived a lifesaving Surgery to reduce a swollen breast that was slowly ending her life.
Before Surgery After Surgery
Annie Boima, who has been suffering from swollen Breast, known as ‘Gigantomachia’ underwent a life-saving operation last week to have her breast reduced into its normal size.
The baby- mother is currently on recovery path at the St. Joseph Catholic Hospital in Monrovia.
She is doing well and the Child is healthy, but we’re still seeking help from others to have this little girl fully recovered, Said Daruis Toweh, a humanitarian and Facilitator of Annie Medications.
“The Almighty God has done it for our little sister, our daughter, our Niece and we’re so much grateful to Him (God). Praises be to Jesus Christ for his goodness and mercy in saving this life,” Toweh said.
He also expressed thanks and appreciation to those who assisted Annie in her pain.
“I want to take this time to say thanks to each and every one who has been in prayers with us concerning Annie and those who stay in prayers with us, May God bless you,” he said.
In a short statement, Annie said: “I want to say to everyone thank you so much for what you have done for me. May God continue to bless you.”
“I am so happy that Doctors helped me through God’s guidance.” Thanks also to my dear and caring father, Darius, and Aunty Jestina Fomba for their assistance, I never thought I could survive this situation, but praise be to God,” she said.
Gigantomachia’, is a rare condition characterized by excessive breast growth. Annie Boima who lives with her Grand Parents in 72nd Community has been suffering from this disease for a protracted period.
Her ill-health condition got worst after she became pregnant last year for a man identified as Mathew Papay. Annie gave birth to a bouncing baby girl on Thursday, 6, October 2020.
The pregnancy increased her sick condition, until she was spotted by Jestina Satta Fomba who decided to help her undergo medical treatment.
Madam Fomba later consulted Darius Toweh, as the duo worked to help Annie Boima medically.
She was later taken to the ST. Joseph Catholic Hospital.
Prior to the Surgery, Annie had previously told the Women Voices that she has been suffering from such sickness since childhood.
Annie said she was taunted by some locals in the 72nd Community by the time her breasts started to grow unimaginably.
“I was eight years old when I started experiencing this growth in my breast. Because of this, I was sent to my mother in Bong County by my grandmother because she (Grand Mother) couldn’t afford to treat the illness,” Annie said.
“When I returned few years later to start living with my grandparents, other people never wanted to come near me, even some of my friends were afraid of me,” she said sadly.
Great Bless God