The Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning, in collaboration the Ministry of Internal Affairs with support from the United Nations and Government of Sweden, yesterday concluded consultation meetings with district and county for the development of the county development agenda and the ARREST Agenda for Inclusive Development.

Collaborating with various ministries, agencies, and key stakeholders, from July 22 – August 15, 2024, the consultations document for Montserrado County was adapted during the closing event held at the William Richard Tolbert, III, ChristianFellowship Hall in Bentol City Montserrado County. Consultations were intended to get citizens views at the county level on development to prioritize and be implemented in their communities.

These consultations took place concurrently across all 15 counties and involved a wide range of participants, including women’s groups, youth organizations, traditional chiefs and elders, local government officials, business leaders, persons with disabilities, and Liberians living abroad. 

Some priority areas highlited during the consultations for the government of Liberia sole intervention included paved road, education (TVET and programs), health. Other areas of joint participation by GoL and communities were sanitation, agriculture among others.

Making special statement, Deputy Minister for Budget Development Planning, Tanneh G. Brunson, noted that President Joseph Nyumah Boakai strongly believes that for citizens to take ownership of any development project or program the government of Liberia has to stop traditional way of planning where policymakers sit in offices to decide what the People’s priorities should be.

She told the event that President Boakai instructed the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning that is leading on the development of the ARREST Agenda for Inclusive Development, the Public Sector Investment Program, and the County Development Agenda to consult with citizens before coming up with a new plan.

“While the district and county consultations are going on the Eleven Budget Sector which includes ministries and agencies, and commissioners, are also being engaged at the central level to discuss direction of the country for the next five-year”, she explained.

These consultations, according to Minister Brunson, are even more important now because of the ongoing process to rollout the local government act and the main goal of this revolution is to bring decision making closer to the people, hence the development of county development agenda, and the county budget will be one of the main avenue for decision making at the county level. 

She added that local government will play greater roles as partners with the national government in the delivery of public services and goods. This will be an important not just to transfer resources, but to strengthen decentralization and improve the quality of life of the people and communities, particularly those that are far from the economic growth center 

In his statement on behalf of the United Nations Resident Coordinator, Dr. Clement Lugalia expressed thanks and appreciation to the government of Liberia for the demonstrated leadership at the Montserrado County Consultations for the ARREST Agenda for Inclusive Development (AAID), noting that the United Nations and development Partners welcome the government  leadership, and establishment of the National Steering Committee of the ARREST Agenda for Inclusive Development planning process, and its implementation. The demonstrated national leadership and ownership of this process at the highest level is highly commended and demonstrates the government’s in changing the lives of Liberians.

He recognized the role of the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning’s stewardship of the ARREST Agenda national and county planning process that will culminate in ARREST Agenda for Inclusive Development National Plan, the County Development Agendas, and the Public Sector Investment Plan  – that will transform the lives of Liberians when implemented. The conduct of the district and national consultations in the in the shortest time is commendable.

“The ARREST Agenda will identify the development priorities, contributing to peace dividends and sustainable development in Liberia. It must anchored on the international commitments and most importantly on the SDG Transition that will accelerate achievement of the SDG’s in Liberia. The change will only be most evident in the counties; therefore, the county contributions are of utmost importance”, he said.

According to him, the importance of the consultative process can not be overemphasized because it captures the aspirations and priorities of Liberians, and it will guide the transformative development for Liberia, contributing to the peace dividend and improved lives for Liberians. The United Nations and Development Partners will align support to the ARREST Agenda vision and plan. 

In conclusion, he told the occasion, “Let me underline strong partnership between United Nations, Development Partners and the government of Liberia, and re-affirm this continued commitment and support to the Government’s Vision 2030 and the ARREST Agenda for Inclusive Development, based on the principles of effective development corporation  – making aid effective, strengthening ownership,  deepening mutual accountability and ensuring the sustainability of development for the people.”

Also in brief remarks, Deputy Head of Mission/Development Counsellor, Kate Thomson lauded as great the consultations processes are happening, saying it will be very easy for development partners and the government of Liberia to decide what needs to be done in communities to improve the lives of Liberians 

Also remarking, Ambassador and Doyen of the Diplomatic Corps of the Embassy of the Republic of Cameroon, Beng’yelaAugustine Gang, who spoke on behalf of the Diplomatic community in Liberia, highlighted that rural MontserradoCounty would be the breadbasket of the country. He pinpointed to some agriculture activities such as poultry, vegetable farms among others, stating these would yield economy activity and create employment.

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