Call for Fair Investigation

The African Women Leaders Network – Liberia Chapter (AWLN-Liberia) has issued a compelling call to all Liberians, urging them to engage in peaceful protests to uphold justice and equality. The organization emphasizes the importance of maintaining peaceful conduct and respecting the Rule of Law during demonstrations, as this approach will attract significant national and international attention and foster the transformative change the nation seeks.

Promoting Non-Violent Protests

AWLN-Liberia has expressed deep concern over recent incidents of violence, including attacks on police officers and acts of vandalism. The chapter asserts that these actions undermine the core objectives of protests and jeopardize the peaceful atmosphere essential for meaningful dialogue. The August 22, 2024, incident, characterized by violence, starkly contrasts with the principles of non-violence, mutual respect, and inclusivity that form the foundation of democratic rights and the Rule of Law.

The Power of Peaceful Protests

AWLN-Liberia highlights several reasons why peaceful protests are crucial for long-lasting change:

1. Honoring the Purpose: Peaceful demonstrations keep the focus on societal injustices and inequalities, ensuring that the message remains clear and impactful. This approach raises public awareness and garners widespread support.

2. Unity and Solidarity: Non-violent protests unite participants in their cause, demonstrating the collective strength of their voices. Violence, on the other hand, sows division and hampers progress.

3. Garnering Empathy: Peaceful protests generate empathy from onlookers, encouraging them to relate to the protesters’ experiences and struggles. A non-violent stance increases the likelihood of forming alliances with influential figures and broadening support.

4. Shaping Public Opinion: Commitment to non-violent demonstrations ensures that media coverage focuses on the issues at hand rather than on destructive actions. This approach enhances the overall impact of the protest and aligns public opinion with the cause.

A Call for Constructive Dialogue

AWLN-Liberia urges all Liberians to refrain from violence and engage in peaceful assemblies. The chapter encourages dialogue with relevant authorities and promotes constructive discussions among citizens. By embodying peace, love, and unity, protesters can inspire real change and pave the way for a fairer and more just society.

The chapter invokes the wisdom of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., reminding protesters that “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”

Reaffirming Democratic Principles

In conclusion, AWLN-Liberia emphasizes that democracy thrives on the harmonious coexistence of government and opposition, working together for the citizens’ benefit. The organization calls on all Liberians to redouble their efforts to maintain peace and respect each other’s rights. By fostering understanding, pressing for justice, and promoting unity, Liberians can achieve transformational change and build a brighter future for their nation.

Meanwhile, the Alternative National Congress (ANC) has issued a strong condemnation of the violence and lawlessness that erupted today around the Congress for Democratic Change (CDC) headquarters. This incident serves as a stark reminder of Liberia’s turbulent past, and the ANC emphasizes the urgent need to ensure that the nation does not regress into the dark days of carnage and gangsterism.

The ANC asserts that there are more constructive ways to enforce the law and address disagreements. The party underscores that Liberia belongs to all its citizens, not just to CDCians or Unity Party (UP) partisans, and it is crucial to rise above partisan divides to work together for the country’s greater good.

“We condemn the violence in the strongest possible terms,” an ANC spokesperson stated. “We call on the government to act responsibly and fairly in response to this incident. An independent commission mustbe established to conduct a thorough and impartial investigation.”

The ANC’s call for an independent investigation aims to ensure that justice is served and that such incidents are prevented in the future. The party stresses that maintaining peace and stability is a shared responsibility and that all political entities must commit to constructive dialogue and non-violent means of resolving conflicts.

The ANC’s statement highlights the importance of unity and collaboration among Liberia’s political factions to foster a peaceful and progressive nation. As the country continues to heal from its past, the ANC urges all citizens to reject violence and work towards a harmonious future.

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