As he was not fired from his job, Mailto Sensee Morris has not received remittances of his pay and perks since the Liberia Anti-corruption Commission (LACC) absolved him of any wrongdoing in a corruption case at Liberia’s Water and Sewer Corporation (LWSC).

Morris used to be the LWSC’s deputy managing director for finance. He had alerted to widespread corruption inside the corporation. Former President George Weah suspended him and his boss, Duannah Kamara, in June 2021.

Given the disruptions and accusations of corruption at the LWSC, Weah ordered that Morris and Duannah be placed on leave while a thorough investigation was conducted. The General Auditing Commission (GAC) was requested by former president Weah to launch an investigation audit right away and provide a report to him in 30 days. Curiously, though, Morris’s boss, Duannah, went back to work while he was suspended and continued to do so until the end of the administrative term.

The LWSC was one among the investigations that was reopened in March 2024 after the Boakai administration assumed power. Morris was exonerated of the charges, but his boss Duannah,and a fellow employee were held accountable for the corruption uncovered at the company.

Following this, at one of its regular briefings on March 27, 2024, the minister of information honored Morris nationally for his opposition to corruption. “I was not dismissed, was only suspended for an investigation that ended and cleared me, so am entitled to my benefits. Morris said, “Our actions and inactions supported their cause a lot.”

After five months, Morris is still having trouble getting the government to pay his salaries and benefits from June 2021 to the end of Weah’s administration in January.

It appears that aid isn’t arriving any faster as Morris has written dozens of letters demanding amends.

In May, a communication to this effect was sent to the Center for Accountability and Transparency (CENTAL), an organization that promotes accountability and good governance in Liberia, to intervene in getting the government to meet its obligation to Morris, but to no avail.

Although Edward Blamo, who works for CENTRAL, acknowledged receiving the communication, he stated that the communication was being examined by its legal counsel but failed to state how long that process could take.

The National Civil Society Council of Liberian was also written by Morris on 12th March 2024 before the new investigation by LACC calling its attention to the situation and the need for the government to meet its obligation to him (Morris).

Madam Loreta Pope-Kai is the head of the council. She reportedly received the communication and subsequent communication in the same month informing her that the LACC had cleared Morris of the corruption saga at the LSWC.   But, did nothing in this regard.

To authenticate this information, we sent Madam Pope-Kai a WhatsApp message in June with a subsequent follow-up in September to confirm receipt of the communication and the status of the same, but she didn’t respond even after reading the message.

Not being satisfied, Morris further communicated with the Independent National Human Rights Commission (INHRC) in May calling its attention to the situation as well as intervening,again, nothing has been done.

“The government is keeping me on hold without even considering the sacrifices I made for the country. Sensee Morris No respect for integrity people.”

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