-Survivor of gang rape speaks out, rallies aid


SANNIQUELLIE, NIMBA CO. — A 29-year-old private security woman brutally attacked and gang raped has welcomed a court ruling and sentencing of her attackers to ‘life in prison’.

The Sexual Offenses Division Court at the 8th Judicial Circuit in Sanniquellie, Nimba County on Thursday, September 19, 2024, sentenced two out of six gang rapists to life imprisonment. Judge Musa S. Sidibey convicted defendants Emmanuel F. Saye, 26, and Emmanuel Nyanplue, 20, to life prison term after being adjudged guilty of raping a 29-year-old woman who was serving security guard at Mount Tokadeh mines of AML operation site in Gbapa Town, Nimba County District#3.

The ruling follows a jury of twelve unanimous guilty verdicts against the defendants for the crime of gang rape against the victim who was about six-to-seven months pregnant but had given birth to a boy child. In his sentencing, Judge Sidibey said the offense committed by the defendants warranted the imposition of the maximum penalty as proscribed by law, citing several provisions of the Criminal Procedure Law and the Supreme Court of Liberia Opinions as his legal reliances.

The Ministry of Justice on July 22, 2024, indicted multiple defendants Ojuku Zuu, Emmanuel F. Saye, Prince First Sunday, Emmanuel Nyanplue, Abednego Albert, Nyansuah alias (God Three), and others to be identified for the commission of the crime of gang rape, a felony of the first degree.

The indictment furthered that the defendants in possession of cutlasses raided the Mount Tokadeh mines on May 15, 2024, at 3:00 a.m., and took hostage the victim and her supervisor, Patrick L. Yarmie who were serving as security guards for the Loyal Protective Guard Services [LPGS] and raped the victim one after the other.

Speaking Saturday to our Nimba County correspondent at her Dokie’s Quarter residence in Sanniquellie, Ms. RD asserted that the court’s ruling came as a surprise, stressing that she didn’t know how much fair and transparent judgment could favor her. “It comes as a surprise. From the start of the case in the court, I never had the faith that I would have justice. Because in our country when you don’t have money, no justice for you” she started.

She further highlighted how terrible her attack was, recounting the atrocity committed against her as a pregnant woman by six men. The mother-of-three receives the Court’s judgment with a joyful heart and praises, reposing her confidence in the justice system of the country, especially Nimba County 8th Judicial Circuit Court.

According to her, SGBV victims in Nimba County have over the years decried how the legal system treats survivors due to their financial inabilities. “I feel good about the court ruling. I was thinking that the court will not stand by me to give me justice, because I was thinking that I don’t have money to fight for justice” victim RD asserted.

The 29-year-old woman contested that she was not optimistic that the Specialized Sexual Offenses Division Court would rule in her favor which she said often doesn’t work whenever women and girls’ children are sexually violated by men. The ruling and sentencing imposed by the court take into consideration the utility of punishment, that is, deterrence, correction, and rehabilitation for would-be violators of SGBV.

The Specialized Sexual Offenses Court’s ruling also looks at the punishment that provides safe environments for children and deters others with evil intent from posing danger to children and women as well as other vulnerable groups living within the borders of the Republic of Liberia.

Victim RD further stressed how satisfied she feels based on the independent, fair, and transparent the court proceeded in the trial case, lauding the Ministry of Justice legal team in Nimbathrough the County Attorney for pushing for the justice that she cried for.

She including other women also spelled out their grave concerns that covered impunity for perpetrators of SGBV crime after allegedly using cash violence by providing it to Judges, Public Defenders, and County attorneys who were assigned at the court over the years.

Arguing that timely justice is a pre-requisite for ending impunity and other forms of violence against women and children so as to take meaningful steps towards equality, free and safe space in the society. 29-year-old rape survivor, RD described as ‘terrible’ her encounter and  attacked with six (6) men who had sexual intercourse with her.

Narrating her sexual abuse on the night of May 15, 2024, while serving on security guard at Mount Tokadeh mines, a group of men including the convicts, Emmanuel F. Saye and Emmanuel Nyanplue, bearing cutlasses (machetes) attacked her guard post, physically assaulted her and her supervisor, Patrick L. Yarmie, and raped her multiple times while in their custody.

She added that the defendants inserted their fingers into her vagina and later used their penis to penetrate her vagina, noting that in the process of raping her, defendants beat her butt with their machetes to control her and threaten to harm her and the supervisor.

Meanwhile, the mother-of-three and survivor of gang rape has also disclosed the inhumane treatment received from the management of the Loyal Protective Guard Services [LPGS], a security firm she served before being attacked and sexually abused overnight.

According to her, throughout the court process she was left lonely and delibrately abandoned by the LPGS security firm for refusing to reach out to her. She further averred that the private security firm management team downsides her from her security post with no benefit besides her two months salary of $160USD each month, amounting to $320USD. “Because of the incident, I lost my job. I am not working again they put me down”. sheadded.

According the survivor, she got employed with LPGS since April, 2024. She (R.D.) says that her children father has abandoned her apparently as a result of her being gang gaped and she is struggling with her children’s wellbeing. She said whenever she reflects on what happened to her, she feels very bad and being traumatized. “My husband accused me that it was my agreement for the people to have sex with me. So, he leavingme”.

The mother-of-three is meanwhile rallying philanthropists, and humanitarian support to  provide significant psychosocial counseling and financial aid. “I am calling on well-meaning Liberians, including philanthropists and humanitarians to please help me. Since I was sexually abused by six men, I beenlockdown indoor. Suffering from the trauma as well as my husband leaving me in the condition”. She can be contacted via telephone number +231775035452.

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