The National Elections Commission (NEC) at 7:00PM on Sunday, April 9, 2023, exhausted the voter registration exercise in Montserrado, Margibi, Grand Bassa, Bomi, Cape Mount, and Gbarpolu counties, and is preparing to commence the phase 2 in the remaining counties.
As phase 1 of the process started on March 20, 2023, and there were several reports about delay and inefficiency in the process at many of the centers across the six counties, NEC Boss Davidetta Browne Lansanah disclosed in a recent statement that the process was successful in all six counties.
“Fellow Liberians, I’m Davidetta Browne Lansanah, Chairperson of the National Elections Commission (NEC). I’m here to officially announce that Phase One of the Biomtric Voter Registration ended on Sunday, (NEC). I’m here to officially announce that Phase One of the Biomtric Voter Registration ended on Sunday, April 9, 2023, in the six counties of Bomi, Grand Bassa, Grand Cape Mount, Gbarpolu, Margibi, and Montserrado.
The Commission reports that the just-ended biometric voter registration exercise in Phase One was very successful because Liberians 18 years of age and older turned out in great numbers and were registered even with the initial glitches, technical problems, and challenges, which the Commission’s Technical and Administrative Teams resolved on site.
The National Elections Commission (NEC) extends thanks to all temporary staff for their commitment and dedicated services during the biometric voter registration process, as well as to all Liberians in general, stakeholders, actors, and the international and regional communities for their numerous field observations and feedback to the Commission on the BVR process.
“Owners of facilities used as Registration Centers, the NEC says thank you for your patriotism and that the Commission looks forward to this high level of cooperation on your part for the pending general elections in October this year”.
Furthermore, the National Elections Commission appreciates the role of the Joint Security in responding and maintaining the peace, which allowed the BVR process to proceed in congested communities, and thanked the government for its continuing efforts to fund voter registration.
“The Commission extends appreciation to the Ministry of Internal Affairs for local government support to field staff deployed and, in many cases, accommodation in the 6 counties of phase one. The Commission looks forward to this support in phase two of the biometric voter registration in the coming days”.
It extends appreciation to the Ministry of Education for its role in ensuring educational facilities were made available for the voter registration process.
“To this end, the Commission urges Liberians in Phase 2 counties of Bong, Grand Kru, Grand Gedeh, Lofa, Nimba, Sinoe, Maryland, River Cess, and River Gee to be ready to participate in the biometric voter registration exercise, which starts on April 21 and runs to May 11, 2023. Please be informed that in phase 2, 1015 registration centers will be opened throughout the nine counties named earlier, beginning at 8 a.m. and ending at 5 p.m. daily, Sunday to Sunday”.
Moreover, NEC Boss admonished all Liberians 18 years of age and older in phase 2 counties to turn out to register from April 21 to May 11, 2023, in order to vote in the October 10, 2023, general elections. Your voice matters.
However, many of the different reports during the BVR process were attributed to the fact that the materials were malfunctioning, something that sparked concerns about the effectiveness of the process.
On one of many occasions, the National Elections Commission (NEC) described the situation as “minor technical glitches”, and assured that they were fully prepared to implement biometric registration of voters.
However, the Commission attributed some of the issues to the lack of understanding by some of their temporary staff on how to operate the technology.
“NEC is aware that there were some minor technical glitches on day one, basically to do with lack of understanding by some of our temporary staff on how to operate the technology”, a NEC release provided.