…Liberia-Israel Allies Foundation

By Jerromie S. Walters
Bong County District #6 Representative Moima Briggs Mensah has been inducted as the Chairperson of the Christian Allies Foundation Parliamentary Caucus, Liberia Israel Allies Foundation.
Representative Briggs-Mensah was inducted mid-Wednesday, January 24, 2024, at a formal program at the ABIDE IN THE VINE FELLOWSHIP Church in
Upon being fully inducted, Representative Moima Briggs Mensah expressed her delight in being entrusted with the post. She says it’s an honor and success and further noted that It’s of no mistake.
To get the ball rolling, she appointed her colleagues, Representative Jerry Yobor as Co-Chair, and Representative Priscilla Cooper as Co-Chair for the operation. Representative Briggs also appointed Representative Marie Johnson and the Speaker as advisers and former Representative Jimmy Smith as the Resource Person.
Still in her remark, Representative Briggs referenced Liberia and Israel relations over the years. As part of additional efforts while in the role, she has vowed to assert efforts in ensuring that a Liberian embassy is erected in Israel, and as well as the renovation of the Ducor Palace
“This relationship will go a long way. With the help of my colleagues,” she assured.
In a special statement, House Speaker J. Fonati Koffa records Liberia-Israel relations. “We came close but we didn’t go far.” He commented on the establishment of the Liberian embassy in Israel. He believes it (Liberia-Israel relations) needs to be strengthened as he says both countries’ democracies are strong.
Reading the IAF resolution, Rev. Dennis Nthumbi, Africa Director lAF, noted: “WHEREAS, Israel has been granted her lands through the world’s oldest deed, as enshrined in the Bible. a tome of scripture recording the acts and intent of God Almighty, and held sacred by humanity; and WHEREAS, the claim and presence of the Jewish people in Israel and their capital city, Jerusalem, has remained constant for more than 3000 years.”
“WHEREAS, the State of Israel has appropriately and necessarily exercised its God-given and legal right to declare the reunified city of Jerusalem to be the eternal and indivisible capital of the Jewish National Home, thereby ensuring the protection of religious freedom for worshipers of all faiths under Israeli sovereignty; and WHEREAS, people with faith in the Bible recognize the historic and spiritual significance of the Land
of Israel and the City of Jerusalem to the Jewish People; and WHEREAS, the Israel Allies Foundation was established to give clear expression to the moral and
ethical bonds that unite Jews, Christians, and people of faith worldwide; and
WHEREAS, members of the Liberian Parliament wish to enter the Israel Allies network of over 50 parliamentary caucuses in countries worldwide, to take a public stand on critical issues
facing Jerusalem.”
He continues: “THEREFORE, We the undersigned participants are establishing the Liberian Parliamentary Israel Allies
The caucus, whose mission it will be to:
SUPPORT the Jewish State of Israel in asserting its God-given and legal rights to sovereignty and self-defense upon the entirety of its lands and territories, recognizing the need of people of all faiths for a strong and united Israel:
CALL upon governments, institutions, and people of conscience around the world to reject all forms of anti-Semitism including the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement as a matter of official policy, duly noting its anti-Semitic nature against the State of Israel; and
REJECT Iran’s pursuit of nuclear arms, a threat to Israel’s very existence, and the Western world at large.”
Moreover, he stated – “ADVOCATE for the relocation of government embassies to Jerusalem by the
understanding that Jerusalem is the eternal and indivisible capital of the State of Israel.
In his turnover statement earlier, Former Montserrado County District #2 Representative Jimmy Smith acknowledged the significance of the role and further emphasized the extent to which Representative Briggs deserves the role. “Honorable Briggs, thank you, congratulations for taking over the IAF. With her presence, he’s confident that she will perform well, with the help of the Speaker of the House.
Israel Allies Caucuses are parliamentary groups consisting of Members of Parliament in legislatures around the world that support good relations between the given country and the State of Israel. Israel Allies Caucuses consist of parliamentarians from a wide range of political parties, from various religious or philosophical convictions, and ethnic backgrounds.
professional orientation, and interests.
The common values shared by caucus members include: the recognized common Judeo-Christian cultural heritage with the Jewish people, the will to turn Biblical support for Israel into real political action, the mutual benefits that arise from the strategic relationship their country enjoys with Israel, the celebration of democracy, the classic liberties (freedom of religion, conscience gathering. speech, education, etc), and the respect for the rule of law
Caucus members support Legislation that combats anti-Semitism, anti-Zionism, or the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Movement.
Among others is the right of the Jewish people to live in Israel, which defines itself as a Jewish State, in peace and security with defensible borders. Israel’s right to its historic and indivisible capital of Jerusalem, the road to peace as a result of direct negotiations between the parties living in the
region, as laid out in international agreements, the advancement and development of political, military, cultural, educational, sports, scientific, and economic ties between their countries and Israel.
Caucus members oppose Legislation discriminating against the Jewish people and Israeli citizens.