Church Aid Liberia in collaboration with its Local and International partners has embarked on a weeklong Hearing Healthcare Champaign in Liberia.
The Champaign is part of celebration of “World Hearing Healthcare Day,” some of the activities line up for the World Hearing HealthCare Day parade in the VOA one Community in Brewervill, on today march 4, 2024, with indoor program at the Edifice of the New Water in the Desert Apostolic Pentecostal Church, assessment, screening and ears testing treatment will also be conducted
Liberia Council of Churches former President Bishop Kortu Brown noted the awareness of Hearing Healthcare promotion which is intended to help restore those who have face with hearing difficulties for some times in the country.
He revealed that the program is part of the country first celebration of World Hearing HealthCare Day and is characterized with series of activities which is intended to create more awareness to promote Hearing HealthCare in the country.
The program is celebrated under the Theme: Changing Mind Search with a local theme let us make hearing care a reality in the country According to Bishop Brown, World Health Organization exterminate about one hundred and fifty Million people having hearing problem across the World with about fifteen percent of country’ population suffered haring problem.
According to Bishop Kortu K. Brown, from March 5-8, creating awareness in selected schools couples with screening, testing and treating students who have hearing problems in those schools
“The Liberia Council of Churches former President Bishop Kortu Brown noted the awareness of Hearing Healthcare promotion is intended to help restore those who have face with hearing difficulties over the years” Bishop Brown has said.Bishop Kortu Brown is overseer of New Water in the Desert Apostolic Pentecostal, Church Aid Incorporated, is the relief arm of Water in the Desert Apposite Pentecostal Church.
Church Aid in collaboration with its local International partners last year trained four nurses in Hearing Healthcare to help treat those who have suffering from hearinh complications in the country, those benefited from first training in Zimbia include: P. Magdalene Konneh, from the John F Kennedy Medical Center in Montserrado County, Hannah H. Newah, nurse from the Government Hospital in Tubmanburg, Bomi County, Mr. D. Iben Porkpah, and Mr. Moses Biman Jr, both of them are from Curran Lutheran Hospital in Lofa County.
Early this additional four nurses departed the country to undergo similar training, the nurses include: Blessing Acquire, of the Government Hospital in Grand Bassa County, Georgia A. Gray from Redemption Hospital in Montserrado County, Naomi Smith, from the CD Dunbah Hospital in Bong County and Vanja Mama Kowula, from C. H. Rennie Hospital in Margibi County.
Church Aid in collaboration with its International Partners is expected train about twenty nurses to be assign at government hospitals across the country to help address people who have hearing problems
Liberia have only one Hearing HealthCare specialized doctor who is assigned at the John F. Medical Center in Sinkor, something which prompted Church Aid Incorporated in collaboration with its International Partners to embark on training of nurses to help buttress government efforts across the country.