… Targeting 100 female leaders and 100 chiefs in 20 communities to help keep the peace before the elections in 2033.

By Leila B. Gbati
The ‘WSR Mediation Mobile Clinic’ was launched in Monrovia on Friday, May 27, 2022 by the Angie Brooks International Centre (ABIC), Women Situation Room (WSR), and Partners ZOA and Peace Fund.
Sustainable and Inclusive Peace in Liberia via Promoting Women’s Leadership and Participation in Civic and Political Life, and their Strengthened Role in Conflict Resolution is the project title for the debut of the Mobile Clinic.
Cllr. Yvette Chesson-Wureh, the ABIC’s Establishment Coordinator, said in an official statement on the launch of the ‘WSR Mediation Mobile Clinic’ that the ABIC is pleased to bring to the public their priority findings, which are crucial to the country’s peace and security, as a follow-up to the various peace building activities of the ABIC in partnership with ZOA Liberia and the UN Peace Building Fund, which are being carried out in various communities.
“Sustainable and Inclusive Peace in Liberia via Promoting Women’s Leadership and Participation in Civic and Political Life, and their Strengthened Role in Conflict Resolution,” according to Cllr. Wureh.
According to her, the WSR mechanism has been used to implement the ABIC component for the past 15 months, and various project activities are being implemented in 10 communities in Montserrado County and another 10 communities in Bong County.
She stressed that the WSR is a nonpartisan building mechanism that mobilizes, trains, and enables women and youth in their communities to take ownership of peace processes before, during, and after elections.
“Liberia launched the mechanism in 2011 to prevent and minimize violence as the country prepared for presidential and legislative elections. This was significant since the women and youth were interested not only in observing but also in going above to prevent and alleviate electoral violence,” she stated.
Furthermore, Cllr. Wureh stated that the WSR has played a critical role in promoting and maintaining peace in Liberia and six other African countries, including Sierra Leone, Senegal, Nigeria, Kenya, Uganda, and Ghana, since its inception.
She claimed that the WSR method had been applied multiple times in some of these nations because to its success and efficiency in preventing electoral violence. It was adopted as a best practice by the African Union’s Gender Agenda GMAP in 2012, and it was recommended that it be utilized in other African countries before elections.
It was also endorsed by the United Nations Security Council in 2016 as the woman’s lead prevention initiative, which has helped to prevent and mitigate eruption and escalation of election violence by observing and monitoring, as well as engaging stakeholders in constructive dialogue and peace advocacy. The WSR’s theme this year is “”Peace is in our Hand,” she claims, “because it thinks that a culture of peace serves as a motivator against the most extreme forms of violence, particularly during elections.”
The WSR’s uniqueness is anchored in its utility at all times, according to the Head of ABIC, who also noted that the WSR is UNSCR 1325. We have noticed with concern the exhibition of political, social, and domestic intolerance from the family level through various group levels and up to the political level, which sometimes results in an incidence of violence, while working in 20 countries and 20 communities as part of this project. If this pattern and practice of violence is not addressed, a situation will emerge that promotes violence to escalate. The ABIC’s WSR mechanism considers this development to be very sad and believes that an intervention mechanism is required. The WSR Mediation Mobile Clinic was introduced as the WSR’s newest tool to deconstruct the meeting of this new tool, and the adoption of the term “clinic” is defiance of all medical connotation, but rather to stabilize the ability to provide a solution to issues confronting residents in the community.
“Medical supplies for clinics will not be provided by the WSR.” “The WSR Mediation Mobile Clinic concept is a graphic response tool that gives funding for our women leaders and chiefs to enable them to proudly and quickly investigate and settle situations of violence in their various villages and towns where they preside as leaders,” she explained.
“Because we are aware of the logistical, transportation, and communication challenges that our women leaders and chiefs face in carrying out their roles and responsibilities as community leaders, this new tool will support their upper mobility in mediating cases of violence in communities and towns.” WSR has pledged financing to these programs, which will support 100 women leaders and 100 chiefs in each of the 20 project communities for three months from May to July 2022. The goal of the WSR Mediation Mobile Clinic is to support gender responsive mediation at the community level; provide opportunities for women leaders and chiefs to learn new skills through mediation practice; build an ecosystem of women leaders and chiefs across communities in Liberia; and enable contact tracing of local leaders and chiefs. The WSR Mechanism maintained its commitment to peace and security in this area, having been convinced of the differential impact of violence on men, youth, women, girls, and children. This money has arrived at an ideal time for people all around the country. As we prepare for the presidential and legislative elections in 2023, political tension appears to be building, and the 20 project communities are not immune.
“Let us not make a mistake regarding the kind of stability we need ahead of the 2023 election, because the character of the peace and stability to which the country is accustomed can be extrapolated into an unstable sea wave floor. This is due to a shift in views and a lack of consistency in the amount of political will demonstrated by various actors in the electoral process. “Our preparedness and the valuable work we continue to perform around the country will determine the outcome of this election,” Cllr. Wureh stated.
“To our female chiefs and leaders who are receiving these funds: Take your time and listen; you’ll need this assistance to get around. It’s also to encourage you to stick together in your communities rather than dividing yourselves. Put your differences of opinion aside and do the right thing.” ABIC is committed to working with the UN Peace Building Fund, ZOA, civil society organizations, international partners, the Liberian government, political parties, the media, women’s organizations, and youth organizations to ensure peace before, during, and after elections “she stated
Meanwhile, the Chair of the Board of Directors of ABIC, Hon. Olubanke King-Akerele, WSR Mediation Mobile Clinic, has issued a special statement regarding a very important matter that is occurring in the context of Liberia women uniting.
Hon. King emphasized that the ladies of Liberia, Guinea, and Sierra Leone led a mass action for peace that brought peace to the sub-region, adding that previous President Sirleaf and Lemah Gbowee were granted honorable prizes in celebration of the women of Liberia uniting.
“We can’t sit still because there are too many early warning and breeding indications of violence. The signals may be found at Grand Gedeh, Nimba, Lofa, and many more places we are unaware of, and they are known as “triggers of violence,” and they should worry us all. We need to recognize that the country is once again in jeopardy, which is why we, the women of the country, have convened for another 14 days at the Fish Marker site. All ladies are invited, and males are required to attend “.
“This Mediation Mobile Clinic is critical, and we’re hearing about a special army of political parties, what is this, and what is wrong with us to the point that the international community speaks out and warns us about it. Where are you, National Election Commission? Are these things permissible in terms of elections and what is going on with us? We cannot have armies controlled by political parties, whether it is the CDC, the UP, or anyone else; we must put an end to it. While praying, we should be aware that there are tasks that must be completed. This WSR is designed to help you plan for the future. This concept is intimately related to the importance of women’s engagement in the peace process. In the absence of justice and law enforcement, the mechanism aims to increase access to justice and reaction. It is for action rather than merely talking about it,” she remarked
Bong County Superintendent, Esther Walker, Deputy Immigration Boss, Isatu Bah Kanneh, chiefs, women leaders, and youth leaders from the 20 project communities attended the launch ceremony.