The Political leader of the People’s Liberation Party (PLP), Dr. Daniel E. Cassell, has frowned at Liberian politicians for engaging into “deceitful and unstable” politics to “use and abuse” those who elected them during electioneering periods.

Dr. Cassell observed that for too long Liberian politicians have been engaged into “backstabbing and setting up their people and one another” in their way of politicking just to accomplish their ulterior motives and satisfy their personal aggrandizement.

He noted that this aged-old style of politics has not taken Liberia and its people anywhere for several decades.

Dr. Cassell made these comments over the weekend when he welcomed hundreds of Liberians who joined the PLP following the removal of Mr. Wilmot Paye and few others from leadership positions within the party.

Mr. Paye, Mr. Henry Sackie, and Mr. Kansualism Kansuah were replaced as Chairman, Vice Chairman for Political Affairs and Secretary General respectively, by the General Policy Commission (GPC) of the PLP for alleged underperformance and violating the norms, by-laws and constitution of the party.

Mr. Carlos Tingban Edison was also suspended as Youth Chairman of the PLP for similar alleged violations.

“Their way of doing politics is to be deceitful; to be a traitor; to be a backstabber; to set people up and to cause instability. The time they are taking to do that one-if they were working for the Liberian people and our country by now we far place. That’s their mentality, but until we get together and tell them enough is enough and expiration day is on their ticket and we have to chase them out of town, they will continue to use and abuse our people”.

“Where ever the recycled politicians are hiding; if you go under the ground like opossum we will put fire there and you will come outside and runaway”.

Dr. Cassell, however, vowed to collective work with Liberians to ensure that these kinds of politicians are retired from the body politics of Liberia.

Speaking further, Dr. Cassell stated that despite being a new political institution established in the country, the PLP has brought a “new meaning and attitude” to politics in Liberia.

The party has been engaged into humanitarian works, reaching out and providing basic needs to less fortunate, under privileged, visually impaired, dumb, deaf, and destitute Liberians since its establishment.

The party was established and officially certificated by the National Elections Commission (NEC) in December 2020.

It recently launched an affordable and reliable transportation service dubbed “Liberation Transportation Service” with the commissioning of ten 72-seated buses in the country to help alleviate multiple constraints vast majority of citizens faced when commuting from one destination to another.

 “This is a sign that shows that gone are the days that politicians-the recycled ones-the greedy hunters have been using and abusing our people by only serving themselves and not our people”.

Dr. Cassell maintained that the essence of getting into public service is to serve the people, but this is on the contrary in present day Liberia.

He maintained that despite bragging of consistently being in politics for so long, Liberian politicians have not done much for their nation and people, especially prior to the ascendancy to elected political positions.

He added that these kinds of politicians are only noted for making empty promises to their people during electioneering periods, but those promises are never fulfilled were they become successful.

“Your houses will be burning in your communities, they would not show up; your water being shutdown, they would not show up; your children are being put out of school, they would not show up. I watch these scenes and it brings tears to my eyes and hurt my heart. It breaks my spirit to see the level of wickedness that is being perpetrated by our lawmakers against their own people”.

“They will wait for voting time before they can come to give you a bag of rice and when they do that, they are using you”. They think that our people are stupid, but I have come to open your eyes; I will continue to educate, support and fight for you. But I can’t do this along; I need your support-come on board and let’s liberate our people.”

Speaking further, Dr. Cassell commended the hundreds of new members for their farsightedness to prefer the PLP over other political parties in the country.

According to him, the decision taken by the new members of the newly established opposition political party is a clear manifestation of their willingness and commitment to combat against societal ills and backwardness which they have encountered, or continue to experience on a regular basis in Liberia.

He added that the move is also an indication that the new members are “sick and tired” of being subjected to numerous challenges which can be solved by their elected leaders, but are being ignored.

 “I want to welcome you all-our newest liberators. You guys have begun to fight a good fight as liberators. The fact that you all shown up here today to gain membership into the PLP, is a sign that you all are willing to fight for our people and our country”.

Dr. Cassell emphasized that it is now time that men and women as well as youths in Liberia roll up their sleeves and put on their boots to “join the fight to rescue” vast majority of the Liberian people who live in extreme poverty and hardship.

He said the flocking of new partisans into the PLP is a “sign and assurance” of light at the end of the tunnel and better days for all Liberians.

He observed that some individuals who previously held leadership positions in the PLP were allegedly blocking the way of Liberians from joining the party, but those individuals, who he did not name, have been “outcast” from the party.

Dr. Cassell further disclosed that the PLP remains open to hold talks with citizens and others across the length and breadth of Liberia and in the diaspora, but the party will not hold talks with anyone who is against the interest of Liberia and its citizens.

“As you leave from here today, let this occasion sparks a burning fire inside our souls; let’s leave from here with a new conviction and spirit to propagate the liberation of our people and make a better decision”.

 “This fight has to continue and this movement has to gain more attraction and more energy. We cannot win this fight without your support. We have to unify for a cause and for the liberation of our country and our people. Our diversity is our strength. Being from different counties, tribal groups, political parties or families does not divide us; it speaks to our unity and strength and that’s why we stand together as one and recite the National Anthem”.

Dr. Cassell emphasised that Liberians should be united in their diversities in order to move the country forward.

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