-Following 12 years of indescribable distress.

By: G Bennie Bravo Johnson I
A 28 years-old Liberian and single mother Ms. Rejoice MechinGoffah, is seeking the assistance of well-meaning Liberians, humanitarian organizations, philanthropists and the government,to help her seek medical treatment outside Liberia, as she suffers indescribable breast cancer.
During an exclusive telephone conversation with this paper, Thursday, August 17, 2023, Christelle Nchoue, an externalfamily to the victim said Ms. Goffah was diagnosed of breast cancer by medical practitioners of the John F. Kennedy Memorial Hospital, and the Chinese Health Center in Paynesville, Congo Town.
Enraged in agony as she sorrowfully narrated the genesis and distress of the illness, Christelle Nchoue, said Ms. Goffahcontacted the breast cancel when she had her first child, sometime in 2011, but from the onset, it wasn’t serious as it is.
‘’My sister contacted this unfortunate breast cancer in 2011,when she had her first child. During that period, it came as a nator rosing in her breast. When she felt the nat, she went at the hospital but they told her that it was a rosing. She was uncomfortable and didn’t breast feed her child. After some time the breast burst. When she had her second child she didn’t again give the child breast milk from that breast,’’ she stated.
Ms. Rejoice Mechin Goffah, who found it difficult to speak to the issue due to the distress it has caused her, often suffers the demeaning challenges that come with the illness, both at night and day.
As established by Ms. Nuchoue, after some time when Rejoice contacted the illness, the breast begun to hurt, and caused her to disengage from seeking medical attention, at which time, she was diagnosed of having breast cancer.
‘’Currently, my sister is not sleeping in peace. She is experiencing serious pain. We don’t sleep at night. We were told to conduct a breast surgery outside the country but we don’t have the money. Therefore, we are appealing to the general public to help us save this soul. We want her go for the treatment and come back and take care of her children. If anybody reading and wants to help they can contact 0555744409’’ she concluded.
Ms. Goffah is a resident of the Old Road, Gay Town Community and a single mother with two children. Prior to her illness, she did petty trading for survival.