– Gender Minister Tells Go Girls, Lead Graduates

(Sunday, October 24, 2021- Monrovia, Liberia) Gender, Children and Social Protection Minister Williametta E. Saydee-Tarr has urged the Graduates of the Go Girls, Lead mentorship program to strive to break the invisible glass ceiling by harnessing their collective energies and amplifying their voices. “Go be visible! Go say yes to talking! Never let your light be dimmed! Go be that spark that turns into a huge fire! Continue to be game changers!,” Minister Tarr inspired the Graduates.
The Go Girls, Lead mentorship program is hinged on the pursuit of leadership excellence, preparing girls to take on future task in order to compete with their male counterparts and to break the chain of male dominance. The three months mentorship trained and graduated 65 girls from thirty six (36) high schools and universities across Montserrado County. The Cohort 2 Graduates were schooled in Public Speaking, Creative Writing, Feminism, Fundraising, Public Sector Leadership and Private Sector Leadership.
In her special statement at the Graduation ceremony held on Friday, October 22, 2021, Minister Saydee-Tarr highlighted the need for girls to build chairs in places they can’t find seats. According to her, it’s time for girls to fight against fear, to mobilize political and financial support, to stand up for what is right, to reach upward and go further and faster.
Madam Saydee-Tarr who also served as one of the facilitators during the mentorship program used the occasion to thank the First Lady Amb. Clar Marie Weah for her humanitarian efforts in touching the lives of women, the elderly and children, especially young girls.
The Gender Boss also lauded President George Manneh Weah for standing up and speaking out for women, girls and children. “You continue to unlock new normals in free education, access to health care, youth opportunities, roads, and electricity – amongst so many others, you are the leading voice amongst men on the fight against Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in Liberia, a very big thanks for everything. Your girls say Atinah Oh!,” Minister Tarr concluded.
Delivering the keynote address, H.E. Amb. Clar Marie Weah, First Lady of the Republic of Liberia shared her own life story with the girls and encouraged them to embrace every opportunity and work toward a future for themselves by never giving up.
“Education is something that no one can take from you. It will always be with you to help you to advance in life. You should strive to be a success story. Only you can make that possible. No one else can do it for you. In order to do this, you must first be persistent and consistent in preparing yourself, so that you can take full advantage of the opportunities that may come your way,” the First Lady stressed.
According to the keynote speaker, preparation and opportunity are not enough, on their own, to ensure success. They must be combined with hard work, or function. She opined that if you have opportunity, and you prepare yourself, and you are lazy, and you do not work or apply yourself in a functional manner, you will most likely fail, and your dream will not be fulfilled. In anything you do, you have to work hard. No matter what you know, or what you learn, if you do not put it into practice, then you will become practically dysfunctional.
“If you do not apply yourself after you leave here, you will have wasted your time, and wasted the efforts of these good people who have mentored you here, as well as the sacrifices of your parents and sponsors,” Amb Clar Marie Weah asserted.
She at the same time called on the Graduates to wake up and take control of their lives. “This is the 21st century, and you need to be members of a NEW society, a society of peace, of diligence, of knowledge and expertise, of understanding, of respect, and of reverence. You must be the young people that will inspire others in this 21st century,” the Liberian First Lady stated.
In a special statement, H.E. Dr. George Manneh Weah, President of the Republic of Liberia urged the Graduates not to sit supinely, but go the extra mile and create opportunities for themselves.
The Liberian leader encouraged the girls to fully maximise opportunities that would come their way.