-Exodus Wilson recommends 

By Vaye A. Lepolu

In the opinion of Exodus Wilson, a disabled in Monrovia, it’s disgraceful for a people disabilities to continue to live with the agony of street begging in Liberia, says there’s a crucial need for the disabled community to be professionally empowered.

He spoke with this paper over the weekend. According to him, government,  charity organizations and other philanthropists have a necessity of creating programs for all disable and invisual repair persons to be encouraged to leave from the street.

“Government,  organizations and people that get money, they need to find programs for my friends like me and those that can not see to encourage them to move from the street to learn something that will help them.”

He claims that serving as generator and car tires repairer makes him to interact with lot of different individuals in society, this he believes wouldn’t have been possible if he seek education in said area. “A job that I learned, make me to go in different offices to do my work and no want can stopped me from entering.”

Mr. Wilson tells our reporter that he always in place of encouraging his friends to leave from the street and stop asking people for thing or  money, they can better of him in the future. 

“I can encourage them to leave from the street and stop asking people thing or money, they can be better of him tomorrow.”

With funds he generates from his job, Mr. Exodus Wilson says he has been able to independently sponsor his two boys children in obtaining quality education in Liberia.

“My two boys children are benefiting from a job I learned by going to school.”

At the same time, he explained that prior to his current job, he resided with his uncle, and it was during said period he acquired the knowledge from his uncle, concisely in 1980.  “I was living with my uncle  in the year 1980 in Nimba County and later on, he carried me to ivory cost and is a place I learned to fix generator.”

The activities of persons with disabilities in Liberia are spearheaded by the National Commission on Disabilities. The National Commission on Disabilities (NCD) is the Autonomous Agency established in Liberia  by an Act of Legislation on November 23, 2005, and printed into Handbill by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on December 29, 2005.

As part of the commission’s mandate in consistent with the Act establishing the National Commission on Disabilities (NCD) by the 51st National Legislature of the Republic of Liberia in November 2005, NCD was established to have jurisdiction over matters involving and appertaining to the welfare and wellbeing of PWDs  including but not limited to carrying out empowerment through Capacity Building, Small Business, Livelihood Skills, Medical, Educational Support through School aids, result driven Programs and Projects, Advocacy, Monitoring and Supervising the effective delivery of social services within the territorial confines of Liberia. 

The NCD currently works with Seventy-Eight (78) Organizations of Persons with Disabilities (OPWDs) and subsidize them through Budgetary Support.