-Liberia Signs Additional Memorandums of Understanding

In landmark agreements aimed at strengthening bilateral ties and enhancing aviation services, Liberia has signed Memorandums of Understanding with Malaysia and Togo, and an air service agreement with The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, on the sidelines of the ongoing International Civil Aviation Organization Air Negotiations Event (ICAN2024), in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
These pivotal agreements will foster collaboration between the nations in the areas of civil aviation safety, security, and training. The first MoU was signed between the Director General of the Liberia Civil Aviation Authority, Mr. Julius Dennis, Jr., and Madam Hadiyatul Hayati Binti Khalil, the Deputy Undersecretary of Aviation at the Malaysian Ministry of Transport.
In his remarks, Mr. Julius Dennis, the Head of Liberia Civil Aviation emphasized the importance of robust aviation partnerships in promoting economic growth and facilitating travel and trade between both countries. “We also look forward to even sending some of our employees to Malaysia to be trained at your aviation school.
For her part, Madam Hadiyatul Hayati Binti Khalil, the Deputy Undersecretary of Aviation at the Malaysian Ministry of Transport echoed these sentiments, stating, “The collaboration envisioned in this MoU will not only benefit our airlines and airports but also improve the overall experience for travelers and businesses in both nations, she declared. In a similar move, the Liberia Civil Aviation Authority and the Civil Aviation Authority of Togo have also signed a Memorandum of Understanding.
“This agreement represents a significant step forward in our commitment to enhancing the safety and efficiency of our aviation systems,”, Mr. Julius Dennis, jr., the Director General of the Liberia Civil Aviation Authority emphasized. The Head of the Togolese delegation Lieutenant Colonel Abou AhabouIdrissou stated: “By working together, we can leverage our respective strengths and resources to create a prosperous and secured aviation environment”.
Both delegations agreed to further explore the possibilities of their cooperation in areas related to all aviation issues, such as training, maintenance, ground handling, airport operation, and others; they further agreed that the Memorandum of Understanding shall enter into force and effect on the date signed. In more aviation news, the Aeronautical Authorities of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Liberia Civil Aviation Authority also met on the edges of the ongoing International Civil Aviation Organization Air Negotiations Event (ICAN2024), in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
During the fruitful discussions, the delegation representing the Aeronautical Authorities of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia delivered a draft Memorandum of Understanding and the Air Services Agreement to their Liberian counterparts. The Liberian delegation, represented by the Director General of the Liberia Civil Aviation Authority, Mr. Julius Dennis accepted to review both draft proposals and respond through diplomatic channels. Mr. Dennis anticipates that this agreement will pave the way for increased flight operations, boosting tourism and trade, and creating new job opportunities in the aviation sector and beyond when approved.
Speaking on behalf of his delegation, the President of the General Authority of Civil Aviation of the Kingdom of Civil Aviation Adulaziz bin Abdullah Al-Duailej said this is a new chapter between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Liberia’s aviation partnership, promising a future of growth, innovation, and collaboration. A delegation from Liberia is expected to travel to Abu Dhabi for the signing ceremony, at the invitation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in the coming months. The Liberia Civil Aviation Authority also had fruitful discussions with Qatar Airways, to improve its existing Bilateral Air Services Agreement with that Arab nation. Liberia has accepted an invitation from the Qatari delegation to meet in Doha to consummate the deal in 2025.