Madam Agnes Hills, a member of Henry Town Peace Hut was appointed as Assistant Town Chief of Henry Town by the Clan Chief James S. Sumo, who believes that women participation is key in nation building.
Madam Hills’ appointment came as a result of the clan chief participation in the Two days advocacy training where women of the peace hut petitioned him as part of the women representation; more of the peace hut disclosed that it is very difficult to have women as chiefs in any capacity due to cultural orientations of the male.
At the end of the advocacy training, the chief pledged his support for the inclusion of more women in local decision-making positions; where he expressed that as long women can avail themselves, and reached out to him as clan chief, he will provide them the opportunity to lead the space.
He said Madam Hill is the first female in the history of Henry Town to serve in a chief position. The Chief Elder of Henry Town also supported the statement and promised to convey the advocacy message and influence the Council of Elders of their district to include women in their Leadership space.
The training was organized by WONGOSOL under the supported of UN Women through the Irish aid funds.