By. Kebbeh Sammie

Monrovia, Liberia – October 17, 2024 – Former President of Liberia and Political Leader of the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC), George Manneh Weah, has issued a strong statement condemning what he describes as a “concerted and criminal effort” by the Unity Party-led government under President Joseph Boakai. Weah alleges that the government is using funds from the national coffers to orchestrate the unjust removal of the Speaker of the House, Honorable J. Fonati Koffa.

In his statement, Weah expressed grave concerns over the integrity of Liberia’s constitutional legislative process, emphasizing that such actions set a dangerous precedent for governance in the country. “This blatant act of political chicanery not only threatens the integrity of our constitutional legislative process but also sets a dangerous precedence for governance in our beloved nation,” Weah remarked.

Weah firmly stated that such manipulations would not be tolerated, calling the attempts a direct affront to the principles of democracy and the will of the people. “The attempt to manipulate the legislative branch for partisan gain is a direct affront to the principles of democracy and the will of the people,” he asserted.

The former president highlighted the dedication and integrity of Speaker Koffa, condemning any illegal efforts to remove him as desperate and cowardly tactics. “Speaker Koffa has served with dedication and integrity, and any effort to remove him illegally under the guise of political expediency is a desperate and cowardly tactic that must be condemned by all who value the rule of law,” he added.

Addressing the members of the CDC legislative caucus, Weah urged them to resist being swayed by financial incentives and to stand against the alleged plot. “Do not allow yourselves to be swayed by pecuniary gains and the siren song of those who seek to destabilize our governance process for their selfish interests,” he warned. He further cautioned that participation in such schemes would betray the trust of their constituents and have significant political consequences within the party and in the eyes of the Liberian people.

Weah called for steadfast commitment to democratic principles and vigilance in protecting national institutions and the integrity of democracy. “We must remain steadfast in our commitment to democratic principles and the right of the people to choose their leaders without interference,” he urged. “Let us also remain vigilant and united in our resolve to protect our national institutions and defend the integrity of our democracy.”

The statement ended with a call for solidarity among Liberians to uphold democratic values and processes.

In Solidarity,

George Manneh Weah, Sr. 

Former President of Liberia and Political Leader of the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC)

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