By: G Bennie Bravo Johnson I 

With support from the United States Agencies for International and other development partners, Liberia on Friday, February 9, 2024, witnessed the dawning of a new day in the health sector.

The health professionals boards of Liberia over the weekend officially launched the health professionals boards website, containing new guidelines for all health practitioners to renew their lessons. “We now launch this website in the name of the Father, son, and the holy ghost.”

Providing an overview of the launch, the senior coordinator of the Continuous Profession Development of Bridge-U Liberia project, Sharley S. Fahnbulleh provided that the project is an outcome of an assessment done on the various health worker boards to attain information on the health sector, but the assessment was made by challenges as there was little or no information on the various boards because only the Liberia board of nursing and the Liberia board of midwifery had a functional website.

“We started up wanting to review and revive the national guidelines for CPD that were developed in 2017.

We did our capacity assessment to find out where the different boards were, and we found out that it was only the Liberia Board of Nursing and Liberia Board of Midwifery had a functional website.

We worked all through looking at the old guidelines and looking at the ones from other countries taking in their best practices.”

Sharley S. Fahnbulleh further added that the website contains information to allow health professionals to apply for operational lessons that would enable said person to practice as a health practitioner.

Stating that all the regulatory health boards have agreed that as of 2025 April, anyone wanting to renew their lesson, that person must have completed some form of Continuous professional development before their lesson is renewed.

Further cautioning health professionals that no more once a nurse is always a nurse.

“All of the five regulatory boards have agreed that as of 2025 April, anyone wanting to renew their lesson, that person must have completed some forms of Continuous professional development before their lesson is renewed. No more once a nurse always as a nurse. You have to upgrade even if you are in administration.”

She continued by asserting that the new measure of renewing the lesson will safeguard the health sector as there would be no continuous practice without the CPD provider test.

The senior coordinator of the Continuous Profession Development of Bridge-U Liberia project complemented the USAID and other partners in the health sector to ensure that the website becomes to reality, adding that their support has helped save Liberia’s health sector.

Meanwhile, the United States Agencies for International Development on many occasions reaffirmed its support to the health sector and stated that it will continue to provide the needed support to the health professional boards of Liberia to maintain the website and ensure that it serves the intended purpose.

At the same time, Last Mile Health a partner in Liberia’s health sector pledged to continue to support the website to ensure that its intended purpose is achieved.

“We will continue to support till the intended purpose of the website is achieved.

This is not only good for you but also for those of our staff who are also working as health practitioners.”

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