By Jerromie S. Walters
The Plenary of the House of Representatives of Liberia has cordially agreed that the Speaker set up a committee to probe into the matter in two weeks, surrounding the need to request the executive to authorize the withdrawal of Army and the ERU personnel assigned at facilities of Bea Mountain.
The House decided following a communication from Mohammed Dosii, Representative, District #2 Grand Cape Mount County, requesting the indulgence of the Hon. House to ensure an immediate pullback of the Army and the ERU personnel assigned at facilities of Bea Mountain.
Following a tense debate, a motion was proffered by Montserrado County District #11 Representative that the Speaker set up a committee to probe the matter and report in two weeks.
In his communication, Representative Mohammed Dosii noted: “I present compliments from the great people of District #2, Grand Cape Mount County, and wish to bring to the attention of this august body, an earnest content that is worth considering for our country and our constituents.”
He added: “Upon my visitation and community engagement in my constituent on the weekend, at the Bea Mountain in Konjor, Gola Konneh District, I took a keen nole of a number of officers of the Amed Forces of Liberia (AFL) and the Emergency Respond Unit of the Liberia National Police (ERU) personnel deployed at the company facilities.”
Subsequently, he said on February 14, a group of peaceful citizens constellated at the company gate to peacefully express their disappointment in the company management, concerning the company’s faithful continued bad labor habitude or pattern. “Unfortunately, on the said day our people were u-belabored by the personnel of the Armed Forces of Liberia and the Emergency Respond Unit.”
Representative Dosii, “Hon. Speaker and distinguished colleagues, with the above advertence, I write to request the indulgence of this honorable body for the immediate pullback of Amy and the ERU personnel from the company facilities and the community (Kinjor), Because our people need free movement and the army need to be in the barrack and not among civilians.”
Additionally, he noted, “I am also urging your indulgence to look in the direction of inviting the head of management of the company and the Amed Forces of Liberia (AFL) with the Liberia National Police (LNP) to familiarize this august body with their demeanor against our people and to tell us the reason (s) for the present of their officers or unit assigned at the Kinjor, Bea Mountain facilities.”
At the same time, the House has authorized its Committee on Public Works to prove into matter surrounding the Southeastern corridors. It comes following a Communication from Hon. Anthony F. Williams, Representative, Electoral District # 2, Maryland County craving the indulgence of Plenary to invite the Minister of Public Works and all principal technical deputies providing supervision on the Southeastern corridors, to jointly provide this August Body, the legal and technical details regarding the agreement(s) (duration of the contracts, quality of the road including size, durability and safety measures) now and after the completion of the contracted road corridors.
The House has also mandated its Committees on Judiciary, and Banking and Currency to look into communication surrounding the President’s decisions including the announcement to direct the GAC to conduct a comprehensive audit of key government institutions including the CBL.
The Communication was proffered by Representative Frank Saah Foko, Jr., Representative, District #9, Montserrado County, who craved the indulgence to invite the Legal Advisor to the President to appear before the Plenary to inform this body as to who is advising the President of Liberia in making the erroneous decisions that include the announcement to direct the GAC to conduct a comprehensive audit of key government institutions including the CBL. (Committee on judiciary, banking and currency) report next Thursday.