Victims threatened to boycott October 10 elections,if government fails to intervene.

By: Jerromie S. Walters/Bennie Bravo Johnson
Hundreds of Liberians have fallen to the dreadful hands of an AI e-commerce scam called Smart AI, not merely through wasted time, but how they have ridiculously lost of millions of dollars.
Since the commencement of its active activities on June 23, 2023, millions of its clients recently woke up to the terrific newson Sunday, August 13, 2023, of its sudden departure, concisely through the closure of the app they operated through.
This has led many in tears, as the victims have reported that cashthey used for the transactions was purposely meant for intrinsic reasons, and they have threatened to abstain from the October 10, 2023 general elections, if the government fail to intervene.
Prior to the closure of the platform, thousands of Liberians who suffered from the scam game narrated that the activity is a Crypto Currency business which deals with online marketing through Orange and Lonestar GSM Companies. They added that the company had a six-digitdeposit code with Orange Liberia, while the Lonestardeposit number is 0880667847 with a name, Pah Leah attached with a few other numbers.
At a peaceful assembly at the Headquarters of the Liberia National Police (LNP), Rufus T. Chea, a Superintendent of the Liberia National Police, described himself as one of the greatest victims because he lost over $LD92, 000 as a result of Smart AI sudden departure.
“When we were depositing the money, we see somebody name there (Agent) like one Aron McCgill, the name is always appearing and they always told us that we must deposit $LD2000, after two days I saw that the money was growing, I was encouraged, I deposited $LD5000 and I came to Monrovia, that $LD5000 was deposited in Gbarnga, while I was on my way coming, then when I got to Monrovia, the money was still growing so I went and deposited over $LD25000,” he stated.
According to him, his person cash he deposited was $LD72000 and the account went up to $LD92000. He said they were informed that the more people they recruit, was the more chances they would have gotten to be employed with the institution, as such, he was encouraged to invest more a d have more people recruited.
“The last day the app was taken down, I had over $LD92, 000 in my account so it is not so much about the money, but the integrity because of people in the LNP that I talked to, tested the app and it worked,” he said.
The app was introduced to him by another individual who they both reside in Lofa County. Upon being informed about the app, he came to Monrovia and also told several other persons about it.
Accordingly, a few citizens won and cash out some cash, while others refused to cash out theirs and kept increasing their incomes with the belief that their monies would not have been tampered with.
It is said that the General Manager for the company is not from the United States contrary to SMART AI’s claims but rather, he is from Mexico as proven by the cell number – +505-487-7376.
However, after the company shockingly shut down, many of the victims blamed the Liberian Government for its alleged failure to protect its citizens from a scam online business.
They stressed that the government’s alleged failure has caused a huge loss of millions of dollars for its people.
According to the latest fraud victims, there was no reason to have doubted the legitimacy of SMART AI on ground the that the company was operating through Orange and Lonestar, including the display of a notarized certificate believed to have been obtained from the Liberia Business Registry.
The citizens also indicated that they all got convinced to continue working with the platform fact that they could still see their monies in their accounts while advertising online, sharing links to encourage others to join and they were promised both part-time and full-time employment status including a promise to travel to the US.
In a more frustrating situation, the victims, in a separate tone disclosed that some had deposited L$500,000, others thousands of United States Dollars, crying that the monies were intended for their kids’ school fees, markets, and, other savings from social clubs and churches.
Furthermore, many of the citizens, who had fallen victim to this scam game in Monrovia and other parts of the country, staged a protest action against the Liberian Government at the headquarters of the Liberia National Police. They also vowed to continue their protest until they can get a dress from President George Weah’sadministration.
Liberia is very new to Artificial Intelligence (AI). With this,pundits have given reasons why the Victim’s should not be blamed.
Smart AI at some point claimed to be an AI e-commerce company that provided access to quick job and financing opportunities for businesses and individuals in Liberia. The online company was launched in Liberia from June 20-30, 2023 (10 days of massive advertisement), after they were legally permitted by the Government of Liberia, with full authorization after they obtained their Article of Incorporation on June 23, 2023.
Critics have attributed the scam to the fact that most Liberians are unemployed. They say the hardship has quadrupled under Pres. Weah. Hence, Liberians are looking for quick solutions to their economic/financial woes.
“The Government of President George M. Weah is to be blamed for this massive online SCAM (Smart AI). Why? Firstly, they (GOL) gave a license to “Smart AI” without doing any background checks or due diligence. This fake AI companyprovided inaccurate information during their registration process. Yet, they received an Article of Incorporation,” a supporter of the opposition Unity Party said.
He continued, “Why did GOL even give International Business Permission to this scam of a company without doing any research or background check?”
Till date, scores of other companies including; “Q-Net” and “WishM” that are similar to “Smart AI” and currently operating in Liberia.