-Sen. Dillon Calls for Investigation into Allegations of Bribery in House of Representatives

By Jerromie S. Walters

Monrovia, Liberia — October 18, 2024 — Montserrado County Senator Abraham Darius Dillon has called for a thorough investigation into allegations of bribery that have surfaced in connection with the recent removal of Speaker Cllr. J. Fonati Koffa from his position in the House of Representatives. In a statement released on Thursday, Dillon emphasized the importance of due process and the rule of law in legislative proceedings.

Dillon asserted that while members of the House of Representatives possess the legal authority to remove a Speaker, such actions must be grounded in legitimate causes and carried out following due legal processes. “However, when the removal process is tainted by allegations of bribery, as evidenced in a recently circulated video, it necessitates a criminal investigation by the Ministry of Justice and the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission,” he stated.

The Senator expressed his concern as both a lawmaker and a citizen, highlighting the serious implications of bribery allegations against members of the legislature. “This is a criminal allegation against the STATE,” Dillon remarked, underscoring the gravity of the situation.

He reminded the public that bribery is a felony that can lead to the arrest and prosecution of lawmakers, even during legislative sessions. “In any bribery claim, there must be a ‘giver and a recipient,’” Dillon noted, calling attention to the need for accountability.

Dillon urged the Ministry of Justice and the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission to take immediate action by launching a criminal investigation into the matter. He insisted that the inquiry should begin with the arrest and questioning of the lawmaker featured in the video to determine the source of the alleged bribe. “This, too, should NOT be normal in Liberia!” Dillon concluded, emphasizing that integrity and transparency are paramount in the nation’s governance.

A shocking video circulating on social media suggests that 47 members of Liberia’s House of Representatives have each received a bribe of $15,000 to support the removal of Speaker Fonati Koffa of the 55th National Legislature. This revelation has ignited a political firestorm in the country, highlighting deep-seated tensions and allegations of corruption within the government.

Sources from Capitol Hill indicate that the plot to unseat Speaker Koffa is allegedly orchestrated by Deputy Speaker Thomas Fallah and Vice President Jeremiah Koung. The Speaker is being accused of providing legal services to concessioners in Liberia, which his opponents argue constitutes a conflict of interest.

Under the Liberian Constitution, a two-thirds majority of the 73-member House of Representatives is required to pass a resolution to remove a sitting Speaker. With 47 members reportedly bribed, the plotters are dangerously close to achieving their goal.

Both Speaker Koffa and Deputy Speaker Fallah are prominent members of the opposition Congress for Democratic Change (CDC), the party of former President George Weah. The alleged involvement of high-ranking officials within the CDC has caused significant internal strife, with party members expressing outrage over Deputy Speaker Fallah’s purported role in the conspiracy.

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