–Margibi District #1 representative candidate vows.
By: G Bennie Bravo Johnson I
A representative candidate of Margibi County electoral District #1, D. Faith Tarlor Toe, has vowed to use the cardinal responsibilities of a legislature to adequately represent the district, and be the voice of the women and girls of Liberia at large.
She believes that over the years, women, girls, and the people of the district have not been represented fully at the national legislature, and they have also not felt the impact of their representation at the national legislature.
These comments were unleashed on Tuesday, August 23, 2023, when Madam Toe received a mammoth welcome in the district, following her return from Australia. At said occasion, she intimated that her voice will be used for the women and girls who she believes are the most vulnerable of the Liberian society.
“I am contesting because I want to be a voice. A voice for education, a voice for health, and most especially a voice for women and youth empowerment.”
She added that her ascendency to the national legislature will mark the dawning of a new day in the life of citizens of the district, especially vulnerable people.
Madam Toe also noted that she will lobby for the people of district and the women and girls of Liberia to experience a positive change in their lives.
She cognizant of the fact that there are laws meant to promote a better livelihood for women and youth, but in her opinion, the legislators are not fully performing theiroversight responsibility to ensure that what was enacted directly benefits the people they represent.
“I will lobby with my colleagues to ensure that my district and the people of Liberia have a direct benefits from national government, because I will use my oversight responsibility and lobby with my colleagues to have people who are charged with the responsibility of working for the Liberian people be accountable to them.”
In continuation, she stated that her primary focus as a legislator will be advocacy for saved healthcare delivery and better primary school for Liberian.
“For many years now, the woman and youths of and district and Liberia in general have not have access to saved healthcare delivery and their children are not in school because there is no one to advocate for the women and children at the national table.”
“Our focus as lawmaker will be to ensure that women and youth have access to save health care delivery and to keep children in primary school because they are bedrocks of Liberia,” she added
Meanwhile, she urged women to support another women who are contesting for seats at the national legislature, as she’s f the view that women are the real change makers and their presence at the national legislature will help to greatly enhance the Liberia society because they are alsopassionate people who seek the welfare of people.
“I am calling on all my fellow women in district number one to support me and as well calling on Liberian women to support other women who are contesting for seats at the legislature because when we get their support and get there at the legislature, we will be passionate about the welfare of all Liberian.”