-Business guru reveals

BY: Shallon S. Gonlor/shallonsgonlor@gmail.com
NIMBA COUNTY:- The CEO of Jungle Water Group, a private company based in Nimba County has announced that the company is committed to infrastructure investment, reaffirming its commitment to improving the county’s economic growth and development.
Established in 1964, Nimba County is boosting and progressing in increasing infrastructure investment. The county was established during the presidency of William V.S. Tubman. The national legislature passed an act to create the county as part of Tubman’s ‘Unification” policy.
During his year-end media briefing, Mr. Tomah Floyd revealed a new investment estimated at millions of US dollars, including the building of a one-stop multipurpose infrastructure in Sanniquellie City to empower young people to effectively contribute to increasing the economy of Nimba County.
When completed, nearly hundreds of citizens of Nimba will be in charge as service providers at the proposed complex that will become a service center in all diverse areas.
The Jungle Water Group is comprised of Jungle Water Group of Investment (JWGI), Jungle Energy Power (JEP), and Jackie’s Guest House, a Bar and Restaurant operating in some parts of Liberia.
Infrastructure development plays a key role in ensuring fast economic growth and alleviating poverty, meanwhile the Jungle Water Group investment, including government intervention, the county has a good core infrastructure network such as road connectivity, affordable electricity, communications network, sewage, and water.
However, while there is a good core network, some disadvantaged counties and rural areas in Liberia lack the same adequate infrastructure due to high social inequality. The core difference between these communities affects the citizens who reside there.
Mr. Tomah is meanwhile encouraging young people to drive development in their communities and take advantage of every given opportunity. He stressed that his business innovation teams work on improving the community and encourage youths to accelerate economic growth.
CEO Floyd’s businesses reached its presence seizing a pivotal moment of opportunity driven by innovation and a friendly business environment. This involves a significant investment to increase local computing capacity and encourage innovation.
With a long-standing commitment to the county and nation, realizing its role as a catalyst for social and economic growth, the Jungle Water Group is expanding a significant investment in all businesses.
He emphasized how his company has strengthened long-term productive capacity in the county while creating a fairer future for youthful citizens in economically disadvantaged communities.
The Jungle Water Group is a core element of Mr. Tomah She Floyd’s investment in the county’s development agenda, which has helped spur historic investments in our county’s productive capacity in areas like advanced electricity.
A key aspect of his economic plan is ensuring economic growth from the middle-out and bottom-up by supporting the middle class and spreading economic opportunity more broadly. This goal is reflected in the new ongoing investment to build a one-stop business center, showing investments flowing to communities with the greatest need.
“Public infrastructure investment is essential to economic growth, and the investments made by the Jungle Water Group are boosting our county’s economic strength and resilience for the long haul,” CEO Tomah Floyd said. “The JWP exemplifies my belief that Nimba County’s economic strength is derived from our middle class and that we should seek to grow our economy from the bottom-up and the middle-out, not the top-down.” “These new investments underscore how the Jungle Water Group is transforming our economy and leaving no community behind,” said JWP CEO.
Nimba County Benefits From Infrastructure Development
At the same time, Nimba County is benefiting from infrastructure development in areas like the energy sector, water and sanitation, transport, and social sectors. The development of electricity distribution networks through infrastructure development has improved access to energy in urban and rural areas of the county. While good road infrastructure connects people and supports trade by facilitating the movement of goods, contributing to economic growth. Water infrastructure through the operation of the Liberia Water and Sewer Corporation is improving health through better access to clean water and more efficient management of scarce resources of the county.
In recognition of the benefits that infrastructure development can bring, stakeholders, including the business community have committed to work together to provide quality infrastructure and meet the growing national infrastructure demand.