BY: Shallon S. Gonlor

JUDICIARY__Circuit Courts across Liberia will today Monday, November 13, 2023 formally open its November Term of court.

Legal luminaries, party litigants, partners of the Justice System and officials of government will on Monday, November 13  witness the last opening ceremony of the Circuits this year 2023 under Chief Justice Sie-A-Nyene Youh Administration.

The First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, Twelfth, Thirteenth, and Fourteenth Judicial Circuits of the Circuit Court open four time quarterly sessions on the second Monday in February, May, August, and November in each year.

Unlike the Sixth Judicial Circuit Court in Monrovia, which operate by law and open its quarterly session on the third Monday in March, June, September and December yearly.

Last August Term 2023, the Circuits closed its term after hearing series of cases from courts of record and court-not of record and various other magisterial courts in the country.

According to the Judiciary Law, the circuit term runs for forty-two consecutive days not include Sundays and legal holidays. It further reveals that immediately following the close of the forty-two days trial session, a ten-day closing chamber session is held by the judge assigned to sit for the quarterly session and any judge concurrently assigned to the circuit.

The Judiciary Law also provides that except as provided in the Civil Procedure Law, jury cases shall have preference over all other cases and matters, adding that criminal cases shall first be heard including capital offenses.

 Cases expected to be on docket for speedy trial include, Treason, Terrorism, Armed robbery, Murder, Hi-jacking and Other capital offenses among others.