–Says Bishop Kortu K. Brown

Liberia Council of Churches former President Bishop Kortu Brown has revealed that Liberia do not need jobs seekers but rather people that will seek the interest of the state and its citizens.
According to him, those people efforts should help to contribute to the long-term stability and viability of the nation building instead of them passing around and bluffing because they are appointed to positions in government
Bishop Kortu Brown who is the general overseer of New Water in the Desert Assembly Apostolic Pentecostal church expressed confident in the leadership of President Joseph Boakai but challenged to appoint people to positions who have the ability to work in of the state.
He lauded those who have been appointed into government to serve the country diligently if the country must move on good path
Liberia transitions to a new dispensation, Bishop KortuK. Brown has called for Liberia to be a country of seeking and promoting “nation-builders, not just job seekers”.
According to experts review, “Nation builders are individuals who play a crucial role in constructing or shaping a national identity within a state.
“Their efforts contribute to the long-term stability and viability of the nation…” while “nation-building means creating a country that functions out of a non-functioning one – either because the old one has been destroyed in a war, has fallen apart, or never really worked properly”
Bishop Kortu Brown, who is the general overseer of New Water in the Desert Assembly Apostolic Pentecostal Church asserted that part of the challenge Liberia faces is that the country has more job seekers than nation-builders.
“In order words, many Liberians who opted for public office do not do so because they care to create a country that functions out of a non-functioning one, like the civil war made Liberia, but that their preoccupation is to find a job to take care of them and their families”, adding, “when we see Liberia, do we see a new country coming out of the old country – or the prewar nation?”
“This is the sad state of Liberia”, the former President of the Liberia Council of Churches said quoting the Bible book of 1 Samuel Chapter 16 verse 7 to emphasize the challenge of choosing people we don’t know to serve in the public square because of their countenance and height.
“God warn the prophet Samuel against choosing a replacement for King Saul based on the physical look and height of the person because He, God doesn’t see the way man sees. Man looks on the outside while God looks on the heart”, he added.
Bishop Brown challenged the new government to rise up and go beyond just responding to people seeking jobs but to search and identify nation-builders who are able to help create a NEW nation because the old Liberia didn’t work properly, fell apart and got destroyed by civil war.
He challenged the Government to decentralize the 10,000-IT-Youth program by reaching out to about 100 existing computer centers across the country to train about 100 youths each over the next 6 months. Requesting 100 already existing computer centers to train 100 youths each will enable us train 10,000 or more youths in 6 months and also create jobs for other people
The Pentecostal cleric suggested that to fight poverty, the Government will have to create the specific structure that will enable it directly engage and fight poverty in the country which is chronic and excruciating. “I propose that President Boakai consider the setting up of a ‘Commission on Poverty Eradication’ (COPE) to Life the People’s Standard of Life”.
He said that the goal of the poverty program will be to fight hunger, hardship and destitution and help create opportunities for ordinary and vulnerable Liberians to be lifted out of poverty.
He encouraged the young people to continue to pray for a better Liberians and for young people to rise and take leadership roles in the transformation of their lives.