-As they push their ways to the 55th legislature.

By: Jerromie S. Walters
Recently, National Elections Commission (NEC) disclosed that about 122 female representative candidates (16%) of the total number of candidates for the representative seats, and 6 (7%) female senatorial candidates for the senatorial seats, will participate in the pending October 10, 2023, general elections.
Considering our deep interest in straightening women’s issues, we have seen crucial reasons in showcasing them to the public, intrinsically on who they are, how they have impacted the Liberian society, and what are their platforms.
On today’s edition, we are bringing to the spotlight scores of these women from different districts and counties, who are pushing their ways amongst hundreds of men, to ensure women political participation at the legislature, and aid in addressing women issues from that spectrum.
Therefore, we begin this edition with Madam Victoria Torlo Koiquah, Senatorial Candidate, Montserrado County. She is # 6 on the ballot and contesting on the Alternative National Congress (ANC) ticket.

Madam Victoria Torlo Koiquah was born in the slum community in Logan Town, Bushrod Island, in Monrovia. She is an experienced social worker. She holds Bachelor of Arts (BA) Degree in Sociology from University of Liberia and a Candidate for a Master’s program at IBB Graduate school of International Relations.
She is a member of the National Executive Committee of the ANC where she is currently serving as the Deputy Vice Chair for Political and International Affairs and Community Engagement Officer at the office of the Standard Bearer and is a member of the National Advisory Council of the CPP.
Madam Koiquah has more than 20 years of experience in different development areas such as, Program Management, Grants & Resources Mobilization, Gender and Social Inclusion. Her career has led her to specialize in the development sector.
Madam Koiquah also has experience working with stakeholders, including children, young people and women in area of economic empowerment, child safeguarding, Gender Based Violence. Her working experience has impacted lives in Liberia, Senegal and Guinea respectively.
Besides, she is the current Board Chair of Promoting Equality and Accountable Care Liberia (PEACE Liberia) and the Muhammad’s Partnership for Development in Africa (MIPAD). She is also the Co-Chair of the Board of Directors of KEY Institute of Vocational and Professional Studies. She is a Member of the Board of Directors of the Women NGO Secretariat of Liberia (WONGOSOL).
She has held several positions at Plan International including Program Administrator, Grants Administrator, Grants Coordinator, Security and Safety Focal Point, Project Coordinator, Business Development Coordinator, filing clerk, Team Lead of the Translation Department (English to French). She Worked in Guinea, Senegal and Liberia.
She also worked for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Guinea. She has also worked with several donor institutions such as Global Fund, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Nederland, NORAD, European Union, SIDA, UNICEF, USAID, UN Women, UNFPA, etc.
Montserrado Senatorial Candidate Victoria Torlo Koiquahenvisions an improved legislature that reflects the people it serves, and decision-makers genuinely and actively fight for greater opportunities and better lives of the people we represent. Additionally, she pledged to work for larger leadership roles for qualified women and young people in the governance system, including the Executive, Judiciary, the Legislature and even the private sector so that every family can benefit from the open-minded, productive contributions that women have consistently made in national leadership.
In terms of contributions to Montserrado County, Senatorial Candidate Victoria has worked with over 35,000 people including women, men, and young people, especially girls across the county in the area of Community development and women economic empowerment, mentorship for self-capacity building for young people especially girls; Offering scholarships to young people in the informal educational sector i.e. vocational and skills training in the areas of Tailoring, Catering, Nursing, electricity, Journalism and Interior Decoration. In the formal educational sector, she is also providing scholarships for girls in primary education; Paid UL entrance fees for about 500 would-be students at the University of Liberia; she has also trained over 200 Village Savings and Loans (VSLAs) groups in Montserrado County and ensuring they produce their own crops for self-support.
Additionally, she has distributed hygienic materials in Montserrado during the Ebola outbreak in Liberia, and distributed hygienic materials in Montserrado during the COVID-19 outbreak in Liberia.
Her platform focuses on Agriculture, Education, Good Health Care, Women and Youth Empowerment & Social Inclusion and National Security & Rule of Law.
Madam Mwasnoh Monica Tuan, Representative Candidate ,District 2, Grand Kru County. She is an Independent Candidate and #8 on the Ballot.

Representative Candidate Mwasnoh Tuan is a Lawyer-in-Training at the Louis Arthur Grimes School of Law, University of Liberia. She holds a Masters Degree from the CuttingtonUniversity and a bachelor’s degree in Management from the Stella Maris Polytechnic. Additionally, Representative Candidate Tuan holds a Post-Graduate Diploma in Foreign Relations from the Gabriel L. Dennis Foreign Service Institute, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Liberia, and a certificate in politics.
Professionally, Ms. Tuan has worked across several sectors in Liberia including the banking, Legal, Telecommunication and the Non for Profit. These experiences spin over twelve (12) years of professional commitment, contributing towards the growth and development of Liberia.
The Grand Kru County Representative Candidate Tuan is the founder of the Mwasnoh Tuan Foundation, a non-governmental organization operating in four thematic areas: Health, Education, Gender and Governance, which is a network organization of WONGOSOL.
She is a Gender Right Advocate, Manager, Entrepreneur, and an Administrator and with major strength and focus in gender main- streaming, policy design and implementation with hands on knowledge and practical experience in project management, Market Systems Development Corporate and Administrative services management, and entrepreneurship.
As a Gender and Human Rights Advocate, Mwasnoh has used her space and meager resources to propagate messages against Sexual Gender Based Violence (SgBV) and other forms of Violence Against Women (VaW). Through her organization, she has led several initiatives in areas of education, health and gender rights to vulnerable youths, especially females. In addition to her advocacy, in late 2021, Mwasnoh Tuan Foundation embarked on a project that provided basic livelihood for ten (10) rape survivors. This was in response to the growing wave of rape and rape related cases across the country.
Being passionate about entrepreneurship, Ms. Tuan has set up businesses across Liberia, thereby, bringing others along the way for self-sustainability. Key amongst here businesses is a high-tech computer institute for high school students called Graphics Computer Institute which was birthed in 2019. The school operates in partnership with several high schools in Montserrado, and is now extending operations to Bong and Nimba counties, providing students with the basic IT knowledge required.
Her platform for District 2, Grand Kru County focuses on Women and Youth Empowerment, Better Policy, Good Governance, Better Education, Disabled Empowerment, Better Health Care, Agriculture and Accountability.
Madam Laura Targbeh Korvah, Representative Candidate, District 6, Montserrado County. She is contesting on the ticket of the Movement for One Liberia (MOL) and she is at number 13 on the ballot.

Representative Candidate Laura Korvah was born and raised in Liberia and she is a permanent resident of District 6, Montserrado County. Laura is an esteemed mentor, coach, and advocate for youth and women’s rights.
She holds a master’s in Public Health from the CuttingtonGraduate School. Her pursuit of knowledge continues as she is currently undertaking her second master’s degree in Social Work at Zhejiang Normal University in China, leveraging online learning.
Laura is passionate about Women and youth development and has dedicated her time to advocating for issues that affect them. Laura got engaged in community service work during the outbreak of the Ebola pandemic where she organized a health awareness campaign. Since then, she has been working and advocating for issues affecting women youths, and children.
In 2015 she started KINDLE Liberia, a nonprofit organization she has led to providing mentoring and economic empowerment programs to youths and women, scholarship and financial aid to over 400 less privileged children in Liberia, and charity donations to orphans.
Montserrado County District 6 Representative Candidate Laura’s outstanding services to her community were recognized by the United States Government and she was selected to represent Liberia on the international scene in Washington DC at the Young African Leaders Fellowship (YALI), Mandela Washington Fellowship program in 2017. She attended Howard University during the time of the fellowship where upon her completion of the program she received a Certificate in Public Management from Howard University.
Laura comes to the table of political leadership with a worth of knowledge and experience. She is a graduate of the prestigious Young Political Leadership School, Africa. She is the president of the National Young Women Political Council, a position she was elected to in September 2019. In her position as president of the council, she has led training and civic engagement activities across the 15 counties of Liberia. Through her guidance, over 200 young women have been empowered to actively participate in leadership and politics. Laura’s expertise extends to various sectors, including research, which she leverages to make evidence-based decisions and advocate effectively.
She aspires to lead at the national level in Liberia and her ambition has led her to be a Representative candidate for District #6, Montserrado County in the upcoming October 10th Elections in Liberia. Laura envisions a society where citizens have the opportunity to thrive and fulfill their dreams.
She pillared her aspirations for District 6 on Economic Empowerment; Sanitatioj and Health; Affordable Education ;Safe Communities; Representation and Accountability.
Madam Patricia S Jaetor, Representative Candidate, District#16, Montserrado County.
She is #5 on the ballot and contesting on the New Liberia Party ticket.
Montserrado County District #16 Patricia S. Jaetor was born on Karpeh Street, Borough of New kru Town.
She holds an Associate Degree from the Lincoln College of Professional Studies; a certificate in computer science; and she graduated from the
Monrovia Bible Training institute and a diploma from the Wells Hairston High school along with several leadership training courses.
Madam Patricia is the Executive Director of Borough Women and Girls Empowerment Programme, a group that promotes women’s growth and entrepreneurship. She also served as
Head of the North Beach Waste Management Inc and Secretary General of the Slum Dwellers Association’s of Liberia.
As part of her political life, she served as Chairlady of the Congress for Democratic change (CDC); MobilizationChairlady of the Women league of the party as well.
Through her advocacy, more than hundred women were beneficiaries of a Micro loan
Funded by Ministry of Gender in 2011. Additionally, she joined the advocacy for the Rights of women and Youth’s against domestic violence and abuses and reported such cases to the SGBV Task Force Unit at the Ministry of Gender.
In terms of contribution to the district, Representative Candidate Patricia Jaetor ensured the empowerment of 150 plus women through the cleaning up of Popo beach, Cornel west beach and Behind D. Tweh beach and its environs project. She identified with old folks and youths during disasters and tragedies and also represented the Borough women in New York City at the United Nations (CSW) women’s Conference.
The Montserrado County District 16 Representative Candidate Patricia Jaetor indicated that the transformation of the district rests on her platform of Healthcare, Transparency, Youth and Women Empowerment, Development and Humanitarian.
Meet Madam Irene Sekle Momo, Representative Candidate District 16, Montserrado County. She is contesting on the Coalition of Political Parties (CPP) Ticket and number 10 on the ballot.

Representative Candidate Irene Sekle Momo was born on May 23rd 1965 to the union of Mr. O. K. Davies-Sekle and Mrs. Martha J. Sekle in the Borough of New Kru Town, Montserrado County, Liberia.
She acquired her early education at the St. Mary’s Catholic High School in Duala, Bushrod Island. In 1982, she enrolled at the College of West Africa (CWA) on Ashmun Street, and graduated in December 1985 earning a high school diploma.
Her desire to attain a higher education led her to enroll at the then Arthur Barclay Technical Institute (ABTI) in 1986 where she earned a certificate in Book-Keeping in 1987. Knowing that a certificate was not an option for her, she enrolled at the Don Bosco Polytechnic (now Stella Maris) after the ABTI was elevated to an associate degree level and the name was changed. Additionally she earned an associate degree in accounting/business administration in 1989 prior to the civil war in Liberia.
Further, District 16 Representative Candidate Irene Sekle Momoeducation and internship at the Liberia Water & Sewer Corporation (LWSC) earned her a position in the accounts department at LWSC in 1988. As a result of her hard work and dedication, she was promoted to various positions, the last being Assistant Manager in the Management Information Systems Department at the LWSC, a position she held until her resignation prior to her travel to the United States of America in 2000.
While in the U. S. A., she worked in different areas, but her desire to be a medical provider persisted, which lead her to enroll at the Central Piedmont Community College (CPCC) where she did her pre-requisite studies in preparation for the nursing program. In 2007, she enrolled at the Queen’s University of Charlotte, in Charlotte, North Carolina where she earned her associate degree in nursing in December 2009. In March 2010, she sat for her state board examination and was awarded a Registered Nurse (RN) certificate. With her being an RN, she was allowed to practice as a nurse in the US.
Her hunger for education again lead her to enroll at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNCC) in North Carolina in August of 2011, and in December of 2012, she earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing.
Still hungry for higher education, she enrolled at the Walden University in Minneapolis, Minnesota where she earned her Master’s degree in nursing education in May 2017.
She is not just a book worm, she is passionate about helping the poor and needy people of her country Liberia.
With this passion, she started a nonprofit organization called Snohtee Helping Hand Ministry Inc. in 2008 while she was still in nursing school. As a result of the establishment of her NGO, she was able to donate used textbooks to the A. M. DoggliotiCollege of Medicine, Tubman Institute of Medical Arts (TNIMA), the University of Liberia (UL) as well as other institutions as well as individuals in and out of District 16.
Being passionate about health care, Representative Candidate Irene Sekle Momo has been doing health promotion screenings and education as well as donation of medical equipment and supplies to individuals and institutions; with Redemption Hospital being one of the beneficiaries of the hospital equipment/supplies and medications. She realized that checking the blood pressure and blood sugar levels will not be enough; the patients need continuity of care to follow and care for the patients adequately. With this realization, she is currently building a healthcare facility which will help in fully caring for the people of Liberia.
Other areas of support to the district include scholarships to students in and outside of the district; hand pumps to some communities in the district; working tools to communities to clean the drainage system; supported the building of the public latrine in Trowain.
Montserrado County District 16 Representative Candidate is also a published author. In 2013, she wrote and published a memoir entitled “From Liberia to the USA, how God used me to bless my people“. With the sale of her book, she donated 100% of the proceeds to the nonprofit organization she founded to help the poor and needy people in Liberia, particularly the people from New Kru Town where she was born and grew up. She believes that the help that she provides will not only benefit the people of New Kru Town, but also her beloved district 16 and beyond.
She has pillared her vision for the district on Healthcare & Sanitation; Women Empowerment; Youths Empowerment & Education; District’s Infrastructure Development; Accountability and Unity & Inclusiveness.
Meet Madam Sandy Butu Fatoma Cummings, Representative Candidate District 17, Montserrado County. She is an independent candidate and she is number 9 on the ballot.

Sandy grew up in district 17 from a tender age. During the war (1992), Sandy and her parents migrated from Tubmanburg, Bomi County to Brewerville, Montserrado County. She lived with her family in Brewerville Town Hall displaced camp and later moved to the VOA displaced camp. The family finally settled on the Hotel Africa Road, where Madam Sandy ButuFatoma Cummings has lived up to present.
The Montserrado County District 17 Representative Candidate Madam Sandy F. Cummings is a Banker, a diplomat, politician and an entrepreneur. Madam Butu (as she is known by many) is a philantropast, a people’s person, humble, loving, caring and a goal getter.
Madam Sandy Butu Fatoma Cummings holds a BBA Degree in Management and Public Administration from the University of Liberia. She also holds a post graduate diploma in International Relations & Contemporary Diplomacy from the Gabriel L. Dennis Foreign Service Institute, where she served as the Vice President for the class of 2022.
Earlier on, the Montserrado County District 17 Representative Candidate Sandy attended the Annie Banks Williams school in Brewerville. She later enrolled at the Lott Carey Baptist Mission school where she was until 11th grade. Sandy graduated from the St. Mary’s Catholic school where her Dad was a classroom teacher.
In terms of contribution to the district, Madam Sandy Butu has a foundation called “SANDY CARES” that has been contributing to pregnant women (that are in need) in terms of providing packages, pack their bags for delivery and sometimes support with the fees for delivery.
Currently, Representative Candidate Sandy F. Cummings is running her own remittence business, providing services through (Money gram, western union, RIA, Nobel etc).
Sandy’s desire to lead district 17 Montserrado County steams from her ideology of serving her people with respect, integrity, accountability, and professionalism.
Sandy’s passion is deeply rooted in making district 17 second to none through Unity, Women and Children Empowerment, Accountability, Healthcare, and Negotiation with a motto of “no one is left behind”.
Gbarpolu currently has no women lawmaker in the Honorable House of Representatives. In 2020, Gbarpolu elected its first ever woman senator in the history of the county.

In an effort to ensure women are represented in the House from Gbarpolu County, Madam Fatu Famatta Sherriff is standing up for the seat in electoral district 1,(Bopolu District).
Madam Fatu Famatta Sheriff is a renowned business woman and an entrepreneur who has made significant contributions toward the business world, specifically in the field of medicine cosmetics.
She is an Independent candidate for representative in the pending October 10, 2023 elections.
Madam Sherriff has dedicated her life serving her county and country as a human rights advocate for many years, fighting for the rights of individual and group that have been marginalized and oppressed.
Over the years, she has also had an impressive professional background including her tender as a marketing officer for the SMS company in Europe, Germany.
Hon.Fatu famatta Sheriff is a dynamic and accomplished individual ,whose passion for excellence is immeasurable.
“We will use our international connections and appeal to friends particularly the Government of Germany for assistance and investment opportunity within our District and County at large. With our collective efforts, we shall work very hard to make Gbarpolu County a Tourist Attraction destination in the Republic of Liberia which helps create som e employm entopportunities and improve the living condition of our people”, Madam Sheriff averred.
With her development slogan “A better Gbarpolu is possible, we can do it together”, she pillared her vision for Gbarpolu Electoral District 1 on Women Empowerment, Youth Participation, Healthcare, Education, Transparency, Reconciliation, Adequate Representation and Agriculture.