– Partners with a Solar Light Company

With 213 facilities nationwide, including depots, stations, and barracks, having only partial or no access to electricity, a Liberian-owned solar electrification company has stepped in to help the Liberian National Police (LNP) by launching a project to provide regular electricity to the various facilities.
On Thursday, March 10, 2022, Elsie Renewable Power Solution (ERPS) launched the prototype project at the Zone 8 Depot-1 in the ELWA Community in Paynesville, outside Monrovia.
Elsie is a local renewable energy service provider that designs, develops, and implements innovative, reliable, clean, and cost-effective electricity generating power solutions for small, medium, and large-scale organizations. The company is a member of the Liberia Energy Access Practitioner Network (LEAP). It is also currently partnered with the USAID Power Africa Off-Grid Project (PAOP), SIB Liberia Limited and other local solar energy companies such as EcoPower Liberia, Sjedi Green Energy, and others, and international suppliers to increase access to solar off-grid energy in Liberia.
The project was officially launched by the Police Director, Patrick Sudue, and was graced by other top officials of the LNP and officials of the international community, including the US Embassy, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), among others.
Launching the project, Inspector-General Sudue lauded Elsie for the outreach and called on other private individuals, business entities, and local and international organizations to follow the good example of the energy company by supporting the LNP in all directions as it strives to achieve its goals and mission.
According to the police chief, the force is working under extreme difficulty due to the lack of electricity, which is most needed in the fight against crime and the maintenance of the rule of law.
This project has cost the police or the government of Liberia nothing; I mean absolutely nothing. And so I want to use this means to openly thank Elsie for supporting us in this direction of power supply, “said the police boss.
“The police [are] working under extreme difficulty; I mean extreme hard conditions due to the lack of electricity at our various depots and stations. Even at the headquarters, sometimes we are embarrassed by the situation. Sometimes when my partners, especially my international partners, come to my office, I have to open my window wide for fresh air simply because there is no electricity to keep the AC on. It’s so embarrassing and it’s difficult to work under such conditions, “added Col. Sudue.
Mr. Adolphus K. Karyah, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Elsie, said the partnership agreement with the LNP to develop and implement the Solar Energy Power Generating Project is intended to supply electricity at its (LNP) facilities across the country.
The aim of the project is fundamentally to enhance the operations of local police stations in maintaining peace and providing security to the communities in which they are located. The project will support the government’s Pro-poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development through the training and creation of new jobs for youths in the renewable energy industry in the 15 counties of Liberia, “the ERPS boss asserted.
The project’s profit income will be used to strengthen consumer financing of low-income households and micro enterprises to acquire solar energy products that will improve lives and support growth, in accordance with the project’s social enterprise concept. We join the LNP to solicit your financial support in making this project a success. Thanks to everyone once again for taking time off your busy schedule to honor this program, “among other things,” indicated.