The Liberia Refugees Repatriation and Resettlement Commission (LRRRC) has officially commenced the disbursement of reintegration cash benefits to Liberian returnees. Executive Director Patrick Wozie announced over the weekend that 469 out of the 1,539 returnees repatriated by the LRRRC have begun to receive their financial assistance.
The payment process started on Saturday, September 14, 2024, at the Johnsonville Transit Center near Monrovia. Wozie explained that the 469 returnees receiving benefits are those who did not receive reintegration cash during the first phase of disbursement in July.
The ongoing disbursement includes family heads and their dependents. Family heads are receiving $300, while each dependent is receiving $225.
The initial phase of disbursement is taking place in Montserrado County, with plans to extend the process to other regions, including Grand Bassa, Bong, and Nimba counties.
Wozie emphasized that a comprehensive report will be compiled at the conclusion of the disbursement process and will be submitted to relevant authorities and subsequently shared with the media.
The LRRRC has been collaborating with various line ministries, including the Ministry of Finance, to ensure the successful reintegration of Liberians returning home to contribute to national development.
Between May and June 2024, as part of the government’s commitment to repatriate citizens who had sought refuge in Ghana since the onset of the civil war in 2003, the government of Liberia successfully brought back 1,539 individuals following the demolition of the Buduburam camp. This repatriation was prompted by a 30-day ultimatum issued by Ghanaian authorities to the Liberian government to repatriate its citizens.
In closing, Mr. Wozie expressed gratitude to partners, stakeholders, the LRRRC Board, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and all supporting entities for their invaluable assistance throughout this process.