By Vaye A. Lepolu

On September 20, 2025, the Ministry of Health commemorated World Contraceptive Day with female students and various stakeholders across Montserrado County under the theme “Stop the Myths, Keep Our Girls in School.”

Mrs. Tina Roberts, Ambassador for Family Planning Youth, emphasized the critical importance of family planning in today’s world. She noted that millions of women, men, and young people globally still face an unmet need for contraceptive options, with approximately 33% lacking access to the full range of family planning methods.

“World Contraceptive Day serves as a vital reminder of the essential role contraception plays in our collective health, social well-being, and economic progress,” Mrs. Roberts stated. She highlighted that contraception goes beyond merely preventing pregnancy; it empowers individuals to make informed decisions about the number of children they wish to have, the timing of those births, and the intervals between them.

“Access to contraceptive methods benefits entire communities,” she continued. “Family planning allows women to space pregnancies, thereby reducing health risks associated with childbirth, such as complications from abortion and ovarian cancer, and improving both maternal and infant health outcomes.”

Mrs. Roberts also discussed the economic advantages of family planning, explaining that when women can control their reproductive health, they are better positioned to pursue educational and employment opportunities, ultimately contributing to economic growth. Furthermore, she stressed the importance of social equity, noting that access to contraception is crucial for ensuring gender equality, as it empowers women to take control of their reproductive lives and engage fully in social, economic, and political spheres.

Highlighting the significance of family planning for youth, Mrs. Roberts stated, “Access to contraceptive information and services is critical for young people, enabling them to engage in safe, consensual relationships and secure their futures.”

Despite these benefits, she acknowledged that many individuals still face significant challenges in accessing contraceptive services. These challenges include stigma and misinformation surrounding contraceptive use, a lack of comprehensive sex education—particularly for young people—and financial and geographic barriers that disproportionately affect low-income individuals and marginalized communities. Cultural and societal norms often limit women’s autonomy in reproductive decision-making.

Mrs. Roberts emphasized the need to address these challenges directly by strengthening healthcare systems, increasing public awareness, and advocating for policies that prioritize reproductive rights and health.

On this World Contraceptive Day, she called upon the government, healthcare providers, NGOs, and international organizations to renew their commitment to expanding access to a full range of safe, effective, and affordable contraceptive methods. She urged the promotion of comprehensive sexual education in schools and communities and the elimination of stigma surrounding contraception.

“Access to contraception is a fundamental human right,” Mrs. Roberts asserted. “It is essential for achieving many of the Sustainable Development Goals, from reducing maternal mortality to eradicating poverty. Let us work together to create a world where everyone, regardless of their background, has the freedom to make informed decisions about their reproductive health.”

Mrs. Roberts reiterated that World Contraceptive Day serves as a crucial reminder of the importance of access to contraception in empowering individuals to make informed choices about their reproductive health and futures. She emphasized that ensuring access to contraception is vital for building healthier, more equitable societies, reinforcing that reproductive rights are indeed human rights. “By empowering choice, we ensure health, equity, and progress for all,” she concluded.

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