-Communications Director Provides Clarity

The Management of the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Authority (NaFAA) has reacted to claims of illegal dismissal by the former Driver of the Director General Madam Emma MetiehGlassco.
The former NaFAA Driver Tamba Kamandarecently made allegations of dismissal by the Fisheries Authority on local radio stations, stating that he was illegally dismissed by the Authority.
A press release under the signature of the Director of Communications and Media Services Lewis E.B Konoe says Mr. Tamba Kamanda employment at NaFAA was officiallyterminated on January 30, 2024 and was contained in a letter of Termination of Employment which in part states, ” therefore, your actions, including your poor work attitudes, and deportments violates section 3.0, a, e Section 10.2 e. Section 5.3a of the entity’s HR policy.”
The letter furthered asserts, “After continued verbal and written notices, and warnings, in keeping with Section 18.0d, your services with the National Fisheries and Authority is hereby terminated with immediate effect.
Director Konoe is quoted as saying in the press release that on December 4, 2023, Mr. Tamba Kamanda assaulted NaFAA Director General Hon. Glassco while she was driving out of the Corporate Headquarters. Konoe further explained that Mr. Tamba on the same day violently entered the official vehicle of Madam Glassco without authorization, this he described as an affront and misconduct.
Following the assault on Director General Glassco on the same day, the Communications Director Konoe revealed that the case was immediately taken to the Freeport Police Depot, at which time Mr. Tamba Kamanda requested out of court settlement.
At the same time, NaFAA Communications Director said it can be recalled on August 31, 2023, Mr. Tamba Kamanda was suspended for time indefinite due to his abandonment of post with the department of administration as Driver.
Meanwhile, quoting section 14.3 on grounds for immediate termination of employment in keeping with the decent work act, Director Konoe explained that an employer may immediately terminate an employee’s employment for grave misconduct which makes it impossible to continue or to resume the necessary relationship of mutual trust and confidence between, the employee and the employer; or the employee and other employees of the employer.