Monrovia, 1 March 2023, Wednesday; the National Elections Commission (NEC) has announced to the public the arrival of the first consignment of Biometric Voter Registration (BVR) equipment arrived in the country on Tuesday, 28 February via the Roberts International Airport.
According to National Elections Commission (NEC) press realize, the materials, which include training materials and server equipment for the Data Management System, are currently stored in the central warehouse of the Commission under the protection of the Liberia National Police.
Meanwhile, NEC today commenced training of its staff in the operation of the BVR system to be deployed for the 2023 general elections.
NEC in a communication today said the five-day in-house training for 49 employees, including magistrates, assistant magistrates, and headquarters senior staff, is being jointly conducted by trainers of LAXTON, the contractor hired to provide the BVR services, and the Training and Procedures Section.
Oversight Commissioner for Training Josephine Kou Gaye described magistrates as the epicenter of conducting elections and said the training is one of the key activities in preparation for the rollout of the BVR.
According to the NEC communication, Commissioner Gaye said the commission was building the capacity of relevant staff to effectively operate the BVR system. She challenged the participants to absolve their knowledge and work in the best interest of Liberia.
The participants will receive training in the operation of the various BVR kits, including maintenance, power services, internet access, and information transmission of the system.