MONROVIA, March 5, 2023, Sunday: The National Elections Commission (NEC), through its Gender Section on Monday, will conduct a week-long workshop for political parties to review existing legal and political provisions within the NEC and political parties. The workshop seeks to create more responsive political parties in Liberia.
The NEC and political parties training will be conducted under the Inter-Party Consultative Committee (IPCC) framework.
An NEC statement released Sunday says the workshop will be conducted under the theme “Promoting Inclusive and Safe Environments for the Participation of Women in Elections”.
The NEC statement says reviewing political parties’ internal structures and external documents, including their code of conduct, the VAWE Protocol, and the Memorandum of Understanding to enable them to be more gender-responsive, will form part of the workshop’s objectives.
Another key objective, according to the NEC Gender Section, is to discuss the 30 percent women’s quota in political party participation and the role of political parties in ensuring its attainment during the candidate nomination exercise.
According to the NEC statement, the UN Women, the Swedish and Irish governments, and the United Nations Development Program, UNDP, are providing funds for the NEC Gender Section and political parties training in Montserrado County.