BY: Shallon S.Gonlor
NIMBA COUNTY — The National Civil Society Council of Liberia-Nimba Chapter has voiced out its frustration of news over the alleged misappropriation and looting incidents across the county including the local County administration.
Addressing a major press conference over the weekend in Sanniquellie, the chairperson of the National Civil Society Council of Liberia -Nimba Chapter, Melakeh Y.S. Menwonleh said the recent act of reported thievery at the local County administration is alarming.
According to her, the criminal activities do not only undermine the trust in the county administration but also disrupt essential services and resources meant for the benefits of Nimba Citizens.
Recently, citizens of Nimba county were greeted with the news of the disappearance of government assets including air conditioners and car spare parts beign used by local government officials in the county.
Mrs. Menwonleh disclosed that such a mysterious disappearance of government assets according to her has stalled government functions at the County administration.
The Nimba Civil Society is demanding answers for the usage of the $USD 15,000 given to the Nimba County Sports Steering Committee by Arcelor Mittal Liberia and whereabout of the $US 2.3 million check given to the Fiscal Affairs Superintendent of Nimba for deposit in the County account at the Central Bank of Liberia that is yet to be accounted for.
In November last year when the National County Sports Meet was announced, Arcelor Mittal, the chief financier for the National County Sports Meet remitted $15,000 USD in the Nimba County Sports Steering Committee account.
Out of the said amount, $14,900 was withdrawn by the committee Chair Diamond Yormie and $10 was deducted as a transaction fee with the balance of $90 remaining in the committee account.
The $14,900 that was withdrawn according to her hasn’t been accounted for by the newly appointed Sports Steering Committee Chairman, Diamond Yormie and his team.
The NCSC Nimba chapter chairperson further demands the whereabouts of the $US 2.3 million check given to the Fiscal Affairs Superintendent Saye E. L. Meashn that was not deposited in the county account as intended.
Mrs. Menwonleh Further indicated that the people of Nimba County and the National Civil Society Council of Liberia are interested in knowing the status of the forty-four (44) projects that the Project Management Committee of Nimba spent the $US 2.7 million on.
Meanwhile, the Nimba Chapter of the National Civil Society Council of Liberia has welcomed President Boakai’s Executive Order 126 establishing the office of the Assets Recovery Task Force.
She said the National Civil Society Council of Liberia -Nimba Chapter is willing to work with the Assets recovery and Retrieval team to help recover and retrieve government assets in the possession of unpatriotic outgoing officials of Nimba County.