Another violent cash at CDC Headquarters in Monrovia

By Jerromie S. Walters & G. Bennie Bravo Johnson

Monrovia, Liberia – August 23, 2024: In less than a month another violent clash that turned deadly erupted early Thursday morning at the headquarters of the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) in the Small-Town Community of Congo Town. The incident reportedly ensued as supporters of the CDC confronted riot police and members of the Liberia Drug Enforcement Agency (LDEA).Recently, the CDC headquarters was a scene of a violent clash between the Liberian National Police and protesting former government workers who were recruited, served in the Executive Protection Service (EPS), and were dropped from the government’s payroll on allegation of wrongful employment.  

According to initial reports, the confrontation was triggered by a police raid targeting alleged drug dealers. These individuals allegedly sought refuge within the CDC premises, prompting law enforcement officials to pursue them inside the party’s compound. The situation quickly escalated, resulting in a violent clash between the authorities and the party’s supporters.

In a bid to restore calm, prayer women from the Women Mass Action for Peace intervened. However, their efforts were abruptly cut short when riot police fired teargas into the CDC headquarters while the women were still present, forcing them to flee the scene.

The clash has raised significant concerns about the ongoing tensions between law enforcement agencies and political entities in Liberia. Eyewitnesses describe a chaotic scene, with tear gas filling the air and people scrambling for safety. The exact number of casualties remains unclear, but reports indicate that there were fatalities as a result of the violence.

The incident has sparked widespread condemnation from various quarters, with many calling for a thorough investigation into the circumstances that led to the violent confrontation. Human rights organizations have also expressed concern over the use of teargas in populated areas and the potential violations of civil liberties.

As Liberia approaches its next electoral cycle, the incident at the CDC headquarters underscores the critical need for dialogue and cooperation between political parties and law enforcement agencies. It also highlights the urgency of addressing the underlying issues of drug trafficking and political violence that continue to plague the nation.

In the meantime, the community of Congo Town remains on edge, grappling with the aftermath of a tragic and unsettling event that has left a mark on the nation’s collective consciousness.

Blaming the Govt

In response to the incident, prominent members of the CDC voiced their outrage, condemning what they described as a blatant attack on democracy and political rights in Liberia. Nathaniel McGill, Chairman of the Party’s Legislative Caucus, expressed his dismay over the actions of the state security forces, labeling the raid as a “brazen attack” on the CDC.

“We are outraged by the ongoing brazen attack on the CDC Headquarters since last night by State security forces. This is an unacceptable act of aggression that threatens the very fabric of our democracy and the rights of political parties to operate without fear of violence or intimidation. Using state power to suppress major political opposition is a dangerous precedent that cannot be tolerated. This act of violence is not just an attack on the CDC; it is an attack on the principles of freedom, justice, and democracy that every Liberian holds dear,” he stated.

McGill called for immediate accountability for those responsible for the raid, insisting that the government cease using state security forces as instruments of oppression. “We demand immediate accountability for those responsible for this cowardly assault. The government must cease using state security forces as tools of oppression against political rivals and instead, focus on the real work of uniting our country and improving the lives of its citizens. This reckless and unjustifiable action has only strengthened our resolve to resist any attempts to silence opposition voices. We will not be intimidated and will not standby as our democracy is undermined,” said he.

The chairman urged the international community, including the U.S. Embassy in Monrovia, ECOWAS, the United Nations, and the European Union, to take urgent notice of the situation and condemn the abuse of power. “Enough is enough! The people of Liberia deserve a government that respects their rights and upholds the rule of law,” he asserted.

Montserrado County Senator Saah Joseph also condemned the raid, stating that the security forces’ unlawful entry into the CDC headquarters without a court order constitutes a grave violation of legal procedures. “I am deeply concerned by the recent and highly alarming incident in which securities forces unlawfully entered the headquarters of the [Opposition Political Party] CDC without a court order.”

In his opinion, the police’s action undermines the rule of law but also threatens the foundation of Liberia’s democracy. “Such actions are unacceptable in a country that prides itself on upholding justice and respecting the rights of all political entities, regardless of their affiliation. The unauthorized entry into the premises of a legitimate political party is a grave infringement on their rights and an attack on the democratic process itself,” Sen. Joseph said.

He highlighted the unrest that followed the raid, as citizens expressed their outrage over what they perceived as an abuse of power. “This reckless act has understandably led to disturbances across the county as citizens rightfully express their outrage over this abuse of power. I condemn these actions in the strongest possible terms. The use of state machinery to intimidate or suppress political opposition is a dangerous precedent that should never be tolerated in a free and democratic society. As Senator of Montserrado County, I call for an immediate and transparent investigation into this incident. Those responsible for ordering and carrying out this illegal raid must be held accountable. We must ensure that the rule of law prevails and that such abuses of power are never repeated,” he added.

Senator Joseph called for an immediate and transparent investigation into the incident, urging that those responsible for the illegal raid be held accountable. “Furthermore, I urge all parties involved to exercise restraint and to work towards restoring peace and stability in our county. The political environment must be one of respect, dialogue, and adherence to legal norms, not one marred by intimidation and unlawful actions. Again as your Senator, I reaffirm my commitment to defending the principles of democracy, the rule of law, and the protection of civil liberties for all citizens and political parties,” he said.

The Montserrado County lawmaker emphasized: “I will continue to advocate for the necessary measures to prevent the recurrence of such incidents and to ensure that our County and country remain a beacon of democratic values and justice. Let this serve as a reminder to us all that in our democracy, power must always be exercised with responsibility, respect for the law, and an unwavering commitment to the rights and freedoms of every citizen. Together, we must stand firm in protecting these principles for the sake of our nation’s future,” he articulated.

As the tension grew on Thursday, the Speaker of the 55th National Legislature, Cllr. J Fonati Koffa attempted to de-escalate the situation but his efforts proved futile  Like Senator McGill and Joseph, Liberia’s former Finance and Development Planning Ministry and official of the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC), Samuel Tweah Jr., expressed grave concerns over the state of governance in Liberia. He criticized the Unity Party (UP) for what he termed a reckless descent into lawlessness, which he believes threatens to destabilize the nation.

“The fragile alliance that has taken power through a narrow electoral margin now poses a significant risk to Liberia’s stability,” Tweah stated. “In just eight months, the UP has systematically undermined the rule of law and eroded the governance structures that were once upheld under President George Weah.”

The official highlighted a disturbing trend of aggression against political opponents, citing recent incidents where UP supporters allegedly engaged in unlawful activities, including physical confrontations at the CDC headquarters. “This blatant disregard for legal norms is a dangerous escalation,” Tweah warned, urging the international community to take notice of the growing unrest. “The silence from the global stage, which once played a crucial role in mending Liberia’s post-conflict fabric, is deafening,” he added.

Tweah called for immediate accountability from President Joseph Boakai and the Unity Party, emphasizing the need for order before the situation spirals out of control. “Political witch-hunts and manhunts will not intimidate the Mighty CDC. Such tactics will only strengthen our resolve to unite and confront the challenges posed by the UP,” he declared.

Tweah went on to announce his intention to return to Liberia soon to challenge what he described as a politically motivated campaign against him. “I will not be intimidated by the weaponization of power by a struggling coalition that resorts to distractions and shenanigans to mask its failures,” he asserted, invoking the legacy of past leaders who fought against tyranny at great personal cost.

He also addressed President Weah directly, urging him to reclaim his leadership role. “Mr. President, the time has come to cease the abuse of your legacy of peace and magnanimity. Your previous concession of power to the UP should not be misconstrued as weakness,” Tweah stated. “True strength lies not in the unlawful exercise of power but in standing firm against aggression.”

Following the riot on Thursday, former President George Weah expressed dismay over what he termed as the police’s decision to open fire on innocent civilians near the headquarters of the CDC and in the surrounding areas. He told a local daily: “The UP administration claims they know how to govern, but they are not exhibiting tolerance. Why open fire on innocent civilians? As early as 2 AM, they started attacking.”

He described them as a threat to peace and a question mark over the UP-led administration’s ability to govern effectively. Weah was quoted as saying, “This is not good governance. We are a nation of rule and law. This needs to stop. We demand answers.”

Also, the Secretary-General of the Coalition for Democratic Change, Jefferson T. Koijee wrote via his official Facebook page following the dispute: “Right after the cover of darkness and in the full glare of national and international partners and the Liberian people, for the third time well armed, deadly state security mercenaries launched an onslaught on the premises of the Mighty CDC and its partisans and citizens. A few hours from now, the CDC will be declaring the FINAL DESTINATION of its people to prevent and redeem the country from this RISKY VIRUS called rescue.”

He further noted, “Certainly, our peace is bigger than any individual and institution, not even Mr. Boakai and his likes of political gangs and desperados have what it takes to reverse our hard-earned twenty-one years of uninterrupted peace. The day of RECKONING is fast approaching; let the security apparatuses be FOREWARNED not to be used as a PAWN by these decorated STATE-LOOTERS.“

Govt clarifies 

In a statement by the government Thursday, August 22, 2024, following the riot, it narrates: “Early this morning, the Liberia Drug Enforcement Agency (LDEA) in an attempt to execute a search and seizure warrant at an identified property in the Small Town Community, around the Bernard Beach vicinity, received resistance from some community members that led to the LDEA personnel pulling out of the community.  As a result of the resistance, several LDEA personnel sustained injuries and are currently being treated at the John F. Kennedy Medical Center.”

It continues, “After the LDEA pulled out, individuals believed to be members of the Congress for Democratic Change (CDC) blocked the free flow of traffic, setting roadblocks, lighting tires, and pelting stones at vehicles and pedestrians on Tubman Boulevard, near the party headquarters. Several vehicles were damaged, and innocent citizens as well as law enforcement officers were injured by rocks thrown from the direction of the party headquarters

Furthermore, the government noted, “To restore law and order, the Liberia National Police (LNP) swiftly intervened. The Joint Security also states categorically that no lethal weapon was used. The Government clarifies that the LDEA search and seizure execution was not intended for, nor did it target the Headquarters of the CDC.  The Joint Security affirms its commitment to the rule of law and protection of our democratic principles. The security forces will continue to perform their duties with professionalism and integrity, ensuring that individuals enjoy their rights in a safe environment.”

Meanwhile, the government through the Minister of Information Culture and Tourism, Jerolinmek Matthew Piah has accused former President George Weah and the leadership of the CDC of being instigators of violence over the years. “And as I said last press conference in the last 12 years of the former government, their primary occupation was protestation and acts of violence. Now, retreating from governance to opposition life, they’ve gone back to their synthetic.” Minister Piah stated

He continues, “Throwing stones wounded innocent citizens, including journalists, what kind of lawlessness is that and the fact that these activities are emerging from their headquarters, it was suggested to us that they are actions as sanctioned by the CDC, including the former president.”

Furthermore, the Information Minister asserted that it is because the government under the stewardship of the Unity Party is taking a different trajectory to transform the country as compared to what the CDC did, the CDC is bent on instigating violence. “And you think because you were here then you chose not to order investigators to do anything so everybody should do the same thing. Because we are not doing the same thing you did, you and your people are committed to doing, is to create anarchy and chaos. You better stop. You go in and protest and cause chaos in the country and you are part of the drug gang. What concerns you with an operation that is targeted to a drug that you hold the rest of the country hostage causing anarchy wounding, innocent people.” Piah added.

The Minister urged the former President and the CDC to desist from allegedly instigating violence and warned that the government will do all in its authority not to allow the dark days of Liberia to return. “As a former President, you cannot and will be allowed to unleash, anarchy here because you are no longer president. You’ve got to stop. If you don’t stop the government would do exactly what it has to do because we will not allow you to throw this country back into chaos.” He accused the leadership of former President George Weah of squandering opportunities.

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