- Visits entities to review procurement records

Monrovia: The Public Procurement and Concessions Commission (PPCC) said it has commenced a vigorous field monitoring exercise that would establish the extent to which procuring entities have complied with the Public Procurement and Concessions Act of Liberia.
According to a press release on Friday April 16, 2023, the exercise was preceded by a formal launching ceremony to announce the resumption of the field monitoring and compliance visitations, following years of inactivity due to budgetary constraints and lack of mobility to convey the monitoring team to the designated procuring entities, both in Monrovia and the leeward counties. The resumption of this core mandate activity has further strengthened PPCC’s drive to ensure adherence to the PPCA and other pieces of legislations on public procurement. This is evident by the recent field monitoring visits made by PPCC’s compliance staff to five counties, namely; Grand Bassa, Bong, Nimba, Margibi and Bomi.
“During this period of visitation, the procurement records of county administrations and county based public sector institutions were reviewed by the PPCC team and are being analyzed to establish the level of compliance to the PPCA”, the release said.
PPCC in tis release said, prior to the commencement of the monitoring and review engagements, a training workshop was held to upgrade the capacity of the monitoring staff in the use of key procurement evaluation tools and questionnaire, as well as the use of field forms and templates. The procurement records of at least one hundred public procurement entities are expected to be reviewed during the Fiscal Year 2020/2021. These reviews are intended to ensure that public procurement entities are conducting their procurement activities in accordance to the tenets of the PPCA and to also guarantee that value for money is attained during the implementation of procurement activities.
“Part II Section (5) Subsections (a), (e) and (g) of the PPCA task the Commission with the responsibilities to monitor compliance with the Public Procurement & Concessions Act (PPCA), review procurement and concessions documents and/or inspect records as and when necessary to prevent corruption of any intended processes and assess the operations of the public procurement and concession processes and make improvements as and when necessary”, the release said.
The release concluded that the Public Procurement and Concessions Commission (PPCC) is the premier regulator of public procurement and concessions awards processes in Liberia and is committed to working with all parties in ensuring transparency and accountability.