President Joseph Nyuma Boakai, Sr.. has nominated additional officials to positions in government affecting the Liberia Petroleum Refining Company (LPRC), Ministry of Post & Telecommunication, Forestry Development Authority (FDA), the National Disaster Management Agency, and the National Disaster Management Agency.

The nomninces are:

1. Mr. Sekou Dukuly. Minister, Ministry of Post & Telecommunication

2. Rudolph J. Merab Sr., Managing Director, Forestry Development Authority (FDA)

3. Ansu V. Dulleh, Executive Dircctor, National Disaster Management Agency

4. Mr. Eric Ceckay Sayce, Deputy Managing Director for Operations, Liberia Petroleum

Refining Company (LPRC)

5. Mr. Aaron Weagar, Chairman of the Board, Liberia Petroleum Refining Company

6. Madam Mary Kpoto, Co-Chair of the Board, Liberia Petroleum Refining Company

8. Mr. Edwin Zelee, Member of the Board, Liberia Petrolcum Refining Company

9. Mr. Anthony M. Autridge, Member of the Board, Liberia Petroleum Refining Company

10. Cllr. Moifee Kannch, Member of the Board, Liberia Petroleum Refining Company

7. Mrs. Dalphine Willis, Member of the Board, Liberia Petrolcum Refining Company

These nominations where applicable, are subject to confirmation by the Liberian Senate.

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