-Liberian Economist says there are “Significant errors”

By Jerromie S. Walters

With what appears as a scathing critique of President Joseph Nyuma Boakai, Sr.’s recent publication of his assets, renowned Liberian economist Samuel Jackson expressed his approval of the President’s decision to make his assets public but pointed out what he sees as significant errors in the document. Jackson highlighted the confusion between annual and monthly income, as well as the lack of detailed information on liabilities. 

He specifically noted the absence of annexes detailing the composition of liabilities, questioning the $200,000 listed in liabilities and demanding clarification on the recipients of these funds. He told WomenVoices in an interaction: “Great for publishing assets but full of errors. Confuses annual income to monthly income. Must include annexes that include composition of liabilities. The 200K in liabilities. To whom!”

President Boakai’s assets declaration, made public on Saturday, June 22, 2024, came under further scrutiny from Jackson, who compared it unfavorably to the declaration of another public figure, Koung. According to Jackson, Koung’s declaration was professionally filled out, with detailed appendices outlining assets, liabilities, and creditors. In contrast, Jackson criticized Boakai’s handwritten declaration as incomplete, inaccurate, and lacking in detail.

Later Saturday, the Liberian economist wrote: “JNB is a good decent human being surrounded by a bunch of feckless irresponsible incompetents who cannot adequately fill out a form. Look at the professional manner Koung filled out his asset request with appendices detailing assets, liabilities and disaggregating who is owed, how much he owns, and showing the value of each asset. Its location etc. Contrast that to the handwritten incomplete and totally false asset declaration by Boakai.

Jackson pointed out discrepancies in the declared annual salaries of Boakai and Koung, attributing the disparity to differences in competence and professionalism. He called out the President’s team as “feckless irresponsible incompetents” and criticized their failure to ensure a thorough and accurate submission.

Despite his criticisms, Jackson expressed confidence in President Boakai’s ability to lead but called for a reassessment of his team, urging the involvement of legal, accounting, and other specialists in future asset declarations. He concluded by condemning the “zealots and incompetents” responsible for the flawed declaration and demanding accountability and transparency in the process.

“Boakai signed his asset declaration as president on January 29. Koung signed his in late February. How come Koung listed his annual salary as 260K and Boakai only 13K? The difference is competence. Koung had his done professionally while rank amateurs did Boakai’s. Boakai will succeed but not with this team of incompetent zealots and crazies. Lawyers, accountants, and other specialists should have reviewed the submission of the President. Shame on the zealots and incompetents,” he said.

Boakai’s assets publishing 

President Joseph Nyuma Boakai, Sr. Saturday, June 22, 2024. made public his assets declaration. The President said his action is in fulfillment of his commitment to upholding the Constitution and laws of Liberia, in addition to his dedication to fostering a culture of accountability, integrity, and good governance.

The President expressed his belief that by making his assets declaration publicly available, he is setting a compelling example for public officials and citizens alike, emphasizing the importance of accountability and ethical leadership. 

The Liberian Leader said this move underscores his vision for a Liberia where honesty and integrity form the bedrock of governance and where the principles of fairness and justice guide the nation’s progress.

He furthered that his decision to disclose his assets is a clear demonstration of his belief in leading by example and his determination to create a government that operates with the highest standards of integrity. 

“Transparency not only strengthens public trust but also underscores unyielding dedication to rooting out corruption and fostering a climate of openness and accountability”, the Liberian Chief Executive declared. 

The President reiterated the hope that in continuing to champion transparency and ethical conduct, his actions will serve as a beacon of hope and inspiration for all Liberians, signaling an era of responsible and conscientious leadership that is committed in the nation. It can be recalled that the President declared his assets in the first few weeks following his inauguration.

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