-AFL spouses go on the rampage, Maj/Gen Johnsonresigns, Boakai appoints BG Geraldine George as Acting Defense Minister

By Jerromie S. Walters
For several days, a group of women believed to be spouses of personnel of the Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL), set up roadblocks along the Robertfield highway, and on Monday in other counties, with a call to President Joseph Nyuma Boakai to relieve from his post retired AFL Chief of Staff Prince C Johnson. This action commenced at the grounds of the Liberian legislature, days before the confirmation hearing of Mr. Johnson, following his appointment as Defense Minister by President Boakai.
Before Mr. Johnson was confirmed, the women petitioned the Senate, craving its indulgence not to confirm Mr. Johnson, because he has been involved with some unorthodox acts at the level of the army, including embezzlement of funds intended for the soldiers.
On Monday, February 12, 2024, the women heightened their protest, as their presence was felt in Margibi and Montserrado counties. The protestations also led to the cancellation of the formal celebration of the Armed Forces Day.
Johnson’s resignation
As disclosed by an Executive Mansion, Monday, February 12, 2024, release, President Joseph Nyuma Boakai Sr., received and accepted a letter of resignation from the recently confirmed Minister of National Defense, Mr. Prince C. Johnson.
The release noted: “In his letter, the Minister of National Defense outlined his reasons for his action noting that due to the current political and civil disturbances occasioned by the protest of women believed to be wives of service men, he has made the decision to resign and preserve the peace and security of the State. The President expressed gratitude to Minister Johnson for his invaluable service to the country and described him as a patriot.”
Meanwhile, the President instructed the Army to ensure all those who impeded the free movement of people and vehicles through actions that blocked major thoroughfares across the country to immediately remove themselves and allow the Government to resolve their grievances.
Boakai’s intervention
Late Monday, February 12, 2024, President Joseph Nyuma Boakai appointed Brigadier General Geraldine George, as Acting Minister of National Defense (MoD) Brigadier General Geraldine George was earlier appointed as Deputy Minister for Operations, Ministry of Defense.
As he has been in office for less than 21 days, the President says his administration inherited the issues raised by the women. However, he believes it affects the ensure population, as such, it requires serious redress. He says: “We must be extra-sensitive to their plights. The army is our pride, we must preserve its dignity.”
With this, President Boakai has appointed independent investigators to probe into issues raised by the women and report in two weeks. The President emphasized that he has established a board of inquiry, to look into the matter of several AFL soldiers who were discharged from the army, for different serious crimes.
Also, on February 11, 2024, President Boakai met at his Rehab Office with the Wives of the Armed Forces of Liberia to hear their grievances. According to an Executive Mansion release, the women highlighted the challenges they are currently experiencing at the Edward Beyan Kesselly Barracks in Schieffelin. These include retirement benefits, low salary, corruption, lack of adequate insurance, education, poor housing, lack of electricity, social services, and general welfare. They stated these challenges have lingered on too long enough without redress as the military leadership has remained indifferent.
For his part, President Joseph Nyuma Boakai Sr. reassured the women that their grievances would be thoroughly investigated to find redress where possible. He would constitute a committee to probe into the matter and provide a report in a week. In the interim, the Liberia Electricity Corporation has restored electricity at the EBK Barrack, upon the orders of the Commander-In-Chief. The President has also declared the Linda Thomas Greenfield School at the EBK Barrackstuition-free.
Considering the consistency of the women’s plight, pundits have understood it the other way, as they are convinced that the women’s action was greatly influenced by their husbands, an ideology that acknowledges that the Liberian soldiers are protesting in disguise. Over the weekend, the women threatened that they would continue to protest if Mr. Prince C Johnson wouldn’t have resigned from his post as Defense Minister.
On Saturday, February 10, 2024, Liberia’s Vice President Jeremiah Kpan Koung intervened in the protest involving the wives and widows of current and deceased soldiers of the Armed Forces of Liberia over the appointment of the former Chief of Staff of the AFL Major General (retired) Prince Johnson as Minister of National Defense.
During the protest at the Roberts Field Highway, Margibi County, VP Koung accompanied by Police Inspector General Col. Gregory Coleman and other top government officials moved in on behalf of the government to appeal to the protesters. Fortunately, they listened and ended the protest for that day.
Following the Vice President’s departure to Nigeria the same dayfor the Inauguration ceremonies of the Governor of the State of Bayelsa, the women returned to the street on Sunday, February 11, 2024, because they believed that their concerns weren’t addressed.
U.S. Embassy
In a statement issued Monday, February 12, 2024, the U. S. Embassy says it is aware of the protests by AFL spouses and the forced closure of major roads throughout greater Monrovia.
“While the U.S. Embassy supports the right to peaceful protest, blockading roads and impeding the movement of Liberian citizens is disruptive and counterproductive. This is contrary to the respect of democracy and rule of law. We call on all parties to come together for a peaceful resolution and dialogue.”
Johnson’s confirmation/Military career
Even though they kick-started their action immediately after his appointment by President Boakai, on Friday, February 9, 2024, the Senate of Liberia confirmed Retired Major/General Prince Charles Johnson as the new Defense Minister of the Republic of Liberia. During his confirmation hearing, Johnson credited himself for his resilience in the modernization and professionalism of the new Liberian Army, especially the professional manner he coordinated Liberian troops in various United Nations Missions.
He vowed to collaborate with the National Security Council (NSC), paramilitary groups, and international partners to prevent the spread of Sahel terrorism and creeping threats to Liberia and its citizens. Mr. Johnson observed that the proliferation of militancy within political parties in Liberia poses a threat to the nation and as such, it should claim the attention of all stakeholders in the country.
According to him, the high rate of unemployment and poverty remain the greatest threats to society. He stated that the spread of fake news is another issue that must be looked at critically.
Johnson referenced that as part of efforts to reduce economic burdens on the citizens due to bad road connectivity, the AFL constructed approximately 300km of roads across the country.
He told the Senate: “Currently we do have a memorandum of understanding on how can we partner with our neighboring countries to prevent the spread of terrorism and threats. We have been successful on the military side in almost all of our missions.”
The Defense Minister placed the cost for the construction of new barracks to accommodate the soldiers and their families at about US$35m. He also assured to work with the Commander-In-Chief of the AFL to ensure the retirement and pensioning of soldiers.
Johnson: “The Ministry of National Defense is unique; it’s not like any other ministries. I say this in the context that other ministries, the minister most often is concerned about the issue of salaries for his employees. For the Ministry of National Defense or the AFL, it doesn’t limit us there. We have to be concerned about where the soldiers sleep, where the families live, medication, infrastructure, power generation, and a whole lot.”
Before his retirement by President Joseph N. Boakai, in early February 2024, Major General (Maj/Gen) Prince Charles Johnson, III, was an infantry officer in the Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL) who has served his country for over sixteen years and is currently serving as Chief of Staff (COS), AFL. He was nominated by the President of the Republic of Liberia and confirmed by the Senate on February 5, 2018. He was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant after completion of the Officer Candidate School (OCS) in 2007.
He has held several positions within the AFL: Deputy Chief of Staff (DCOS); Commanding General/23rd Infantry Brigade Commander; Chief of Operations, HQ AFL (ACOS J3); Deputy Assistant Chief of Operations HQ AFL (Dy ACOS J3); Chief of Logistics HQ AFL (ACOS J4); Military Assistant (MA) to the Minister of National Defense; Assistant Brigade Operations Officer, S3; 2nd Battalion Executive Officer (XO); Company Commander and Platoon Commander.
Maj/Gen Johnson, III has attended several military schools, including the US Army Command and General Staff College (CGSC) in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, USA; Infantry Mechanized Company Commander Course (MCCC) in Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, China Hebei Province, China; Junior Staff Course (JSC), Horton Military Academy, Freetown, Sierra Leone; Infantry Young Officer Course (YOC) at the Nigeria Army School of Infantry in Jaji, Kaduna, Nigeria.
He holds a Master of Arts Degree in Peace Studies (MAPS) from the Kofi Annan Institute for Conflict Transformation (KAICT), University of Liberia; a postgraduate Certificate in Public Sector Management from the Institute for Public Administration and Management (IPAM) – University of Sierra Leone, Freetown; a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree in Accounting from the United Methodist University.
More to the above, he has completed the Harvard Kennedy School Executive Education for Senior Executives in National and International Security, Harvard University, and both African Center for Strategic Studies (ACSS) Seminars in Senior Military leadership and managing Security Resources in Africa, all in the USA.
On February 11, 2014, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf promoted Johnson to Brigade Commander of the 23rd Infantry Brigade, becoming the first Liberian to hold the post of Brigade Commander in the AFL following the end of the Liberian Civil War. As Brigade Commander, Johnson was third in command of the AFL.
On December 9, 2016, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf promoted Johnson to Deputy Chief of Staff of the AFL with the rank of Brigadier General, following the death of the incumbent Deputy Chief of Staff Colonel Eric Dennis. In 2018, President George Weah appointed Johnson as the new Chief of Staff of the AFL, with the promotion to the rank of Major General. The Senate of Liberia confirmed Johnson as the new Chief of Staff on February 6, 2018.