-Gongloe urges Weah to join strive for Liberias non-permanent seat at the UNSC

Opposition leader of the Liberian People’s Party political,  Cllr. Tiawan Saye Gongloe has reminded former President George M. Weah saying the quest for Liberia to secure a non-permeant seat on the United Nations Security Council transcends beyond politics while urging him to graciously accept the government invitation in the interest of the country.   

The government of Liberia through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, wrote some prominent individuals and citizens including former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and others to help lead negotiation and diplomatic advocacy to help Liberia secure a non-permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council as a representative of Africa.

Since the communication, there has been debate among supporters of the Congress for Democratic Change urging the former President not to accept the invitation because he has been disrespected by the current government. Also, since the communication was written to Mr. Weah, he has yet to respond.

But, the Liberian People’s Party political leader in an open letter to former President Weah said that despite that fact he knows that the current government, under the leadership of President Joseph Nyumah Boakai, may not have treated Amb. Weah with respect and dignity befitting a former president but Liberia stands supreme.

According to him, it is not lost on him that, despite Amb. Weah stature and the position he once held as the leader of Liberia, he has faced public humiliations from being denied access to the Presidential Lounge to the unfortunate dispersal of crowds who came to greet him upon his arrival by the use of the Armed Forces of Liberia.

Cllr. Gongloe believes that these events have been painful, and no doubt intended to diminish Amb. Weah standing, as a former president, adding that as a former president, he is uniquely positioned to influence Liberia’s role on the world stage, and he believes history will judge Amb. Weah rightly if he rises above the political discord and contributes to this national cause.

‘’However, I am appealing to you today not as a politician, but as a fellow Liberian who cares deeply about our country’s future. The quest for Liberia to occupy this high-profile seat on the Security Council transcends politics; it is an opportunity for our nation to have a voice in shaping global security, peace, and justice. I urge you to put Liberia first, above the personal grievances and challenges you have encountered since leaving office, and accept this call to save your country’’ Cllr. Gongloe urged.

He lamented that Liberia securing the seat would raise the country’s profile as Liberia experienced in 1969 when Angie Brooks Randall was elected President of the United Nations General Assembly. Cllr. Gongloe added that by ex-president Weah offering his support, he would be demonstrating the statesmanship that Liberia needs at this critical moment placing the interests of the nation ahead of personal and political disputes.

The one-time defeated Presidential candidate disclosed that securing a seat on the Security Council will not only enhance Liberia’s global standing, but it will also open doors for our country to advocate for peace, security, and justice across Africa and the world.

He urged that President Weah’s support in this matter will send a clear message that Liberia’s former presidents, regardless of their political affiliations, are united in their commitment to the nation’s progress and development.

Liberia’s former Solicitor General explained that it would make Mr. Weah a better person, and in the end, he would feel good and proud of his decision, reminding him that Liberia is at a crossroads.

‘’You have an opportunity to shape how future generations will remember your legacy. Will it be defined by discord, or by the magnanimity you show now in supporting Liberia’s aspirations on the global stage? I appeal to your sense of patriotism and urge you to set aside any personal grievances with the current administration. Liberia’s success on the global stage is bigger than any of us individually’’ he noted.

Cllr. Gongloe stated that history will remember ex-president Weah as a leader who, despite the personal slights and challenges he faced, after graciously accepting defeat, chose to put the country first, adding that it is this kind of selflessness and commitment to the greater good that has historically defined great statesmen.

‘’As a former presidential contender, I can relate to the challenges you have faced. Though I did not support your candidacy in the second round, I have always respected your role in Liberia as a person who loves his country. Indeed, there were times when I offered free legal services to the Congress for Democratic Change (CDC), as my commitment to fairness and justice transcends political affiliations. In the same spirit, I appeal to you now to think about Liberia’s long-term interests. Thank you for your time and consideration. I trust that, as always, you will act in the best interest of the Republic of Liberia’’ he concluded.

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