The National Elections Commission (NEC) last week accommodated a number of International Delegations in country to follow up on recommendations from the 2017 General Elections and forward-looking strategies to the 2023 General Elections in Liberia.
The international delegations who visited the NEC, through the Office of the Chairperson, Madam Davidetta Browne Lansanah included, the Cater Center, European Union Elections Follow Up Mission, and the United Nations Development Program, UNDP Assessment Team Observation Mission.

The European Union Follow Up Mission delegation meeting on Wednesday, 5 May 2021 with the NEC, focused on recommendations made by its 2017 Electoral Observation Mission, (EOM). The six-person European Union Election Follow Up Mission, (EFM), to the headquarters of NEC on 9th Street, in Sinkor, was headed by E.U. Ambassador Laurent Delahousse.
Members of the European Union Election Follow Up Mission to Liberia were, H.E. Ambassador and Head of EU Delegation, Mr. Laurent Delahousse, the Head of EU Election Follow Up Mission (EFM) and a member of European Parliament, Ms. Maria Arena, and Mr. Riccardo Chelleri, Policy Officer, Democracy and Election Division, EuropeanExternal Action Service. Other members were, Ms. Laura Virgili, Program Officer, Governance Sector, EU Delegation to Liberia, Ms. Erini-Maria Gounari, Legal Expert, EU (EFM), and Mr. Konrad Olszewski, Team Leader and Electoral Expert, EU (EFM).
Also on Wednesday, a Four-person delegation from the United Nations Development Program, UNDP, paid a one-day courtesy call of the Chairperson of theof the National Elections Commission, (NEC), Madam Davidetta Browne Lansanah at the Commission’s Headquarters on 9th Street, in Sinkor.
The UNDP Team consists of,Ms. Sare Knoppe, Program Analyst, Elections, EC-UNDP Joint Task Force on Electoral Assistance, UNDP based in Brussels, Ms. Violet Baffour, UNDP Liberia Deputy Resident Representative for Programs, Gianpiero Catozzi, Senior Elections Adviser and Coordinator of EC-UNDP Joint Task Force on Electoral Assistance, and Ms. Lenka Homolkova, Chief Technical Adviser, UNDP Liberia Electoral Support Project.