– General Broh’s supporters mocked Legislators

Hundreds of Liberian women stormed Capitol Hill on Tuesday December 7, 2021 in apparent solidarity to Madam Mary Broh who the House of Representatives had cited to appear before Plenary for alleged destruction of properties and violation of people’s rights.
Madam Broh’s supporters, who were seen holding their noses, pointing to the Capitol Building, with brooms and placards, called on the Leadership of the National Legislature to clean up bathrooms and vicinities of the Capitol Building that they described as stink. The women said legislators should instead worry about cleaning up the Capitol Building rather than citing Mary Broh, whom they believe is working in the interest of the public to keep Monrovia clean.
A letter dated December 3, 2021 under the signature of the Acting Chief Clerk, J. Sayfurh Geplay, of the House of Representatives, cited Madam Mary T. Broh along with the entire Leadership of the Citizens Engagement Board to appear before Plenary on Tuesday December 7, 2021 at 12:00 noon in response to a complaint filed to Plenary by Montserrado County District # 7, Rep. Solomon C. George who alleged that members of the Citizens Engagement Board destroyed properties and violated rights as well as whipped or flogged, handcuffed and imprisoned residents and people of Liberia.
Recently, Monrovia City Mayor Jefferson Tamba Koijee constituted a Citizens Engagement Board (CEB), headed by Madam Mary T. Broh, with specific mandates, among many others, to clean, beatify and prepare Monrovia ahead of the Bicentennial celebration, which officially takes place on January 7, 2022 in Monrovia. Members of the Board include reputable people from diverse professional and cultural backgrounds.
Observers believe that Mayor Koijee’s action to appoint Madam Broh to lead the CEB was in good faith considering that waste management is one of the daunting challenges everywhere, especially in developing countries like Liberia
Monrovia and other urban cities are overwhelmed by dirt and poor sanitary conditions, as cities are over crowded due to influx of people from rural communities.
Nevertheless, since then Madam Broh and her Team selflessly immediately embarked on work to raid Monrovia of shanty structures and street peddling. Video footages displayed by Madam Broh from places where public foods are prepared are very disgusting and sickening, an observer.
Madam Helen Nah Sammie in an article wondered whether Rep. Solomon C. George knew that his constituent or District # 7 in Montserrado is one of the dirtiest places, she said, where open defecation is a norm and lathering is a culture.
“If the Lawmaker is aware of the filthiness of his constituency, but chooses to file a complaint against people who are patriotically volunteering to clean his back yard, then whose interest he seeks with his complaint if not a parochial self-seeking political interest. Look, politicians should not be overly preoccupied about retaining power and continue acting in ways that keep this country and its people in a state of lethargy. We must put stop to such a toxic politics and standup for the good of our nation”, the article read.
Womenvoices is reliably informed that modality was worked out behind the scene for Rep. George to withdraw his complaint against the leadership of the Citizen Engagement Board.
However, Madam Broh and her supporters gathered on Capitol Hill where they chanted slogans mocking the filthiness of the Capitol Building. It is alleged that bathrooms in the Capitol Building are very dirt and stink.
It is not clear whether the Citizens Engagement Board will continue the cleaning up exercise that it started three (3) weeks ago on grounds that they have run out of fuel for the trucks and yellow machines