-At the University of Liberia (UL)

SUP Chairman, Patrick N. Bosco

Campus based student political party, Student Unification Party (SUP) is demanding an immediate lifting of a ban on student politics at the University of Liberia.

The call was contained in a press release over the weekend by Patrick N Bosco, SUP Chairman.

Bosco in the release called on the administration of the University and the government of Liberia to hand off politics at the UL.

“Since the unjustified and unconstitutional imposition of ban on student politics at the University of Liberia, the JNB government has reluctantly taken for granted the rights of thousands of students at the university of Liberia. The Vanguard Student Unification Party will not hesitate to rally the people in demand for the unconditional lifting of the ban on student politics. SUP believes the decision is a deliberate attempt by the government to silence the student community as well as critics of the already struggling failed regime “, the release said.

It can be recorded that in recent times, the Interim Management Team of the University of Liberia (UL) warned the Student Unification Party (SUP) and all other student-based political parties against the conduct of political activities in violation of a ban placed on student politics.

But the student leadership said campus Based politics was established for the sons and daughters of ordinary people.

“SUP demands the unconditional lifting of a ban on student politics at the University of Liberia” the release said.

The release added, “SUP is remaining the government of Liberia headed by  Mr. Boakai on her obligation to concentrate on the existing situation by providing quality and accessible education as guaranteed in article 6 of the 1986 constitution of the republic of Liberia.”

According to the student Party, the University of Liberia stands as victim of neglect and  multiplicity of issues remain unresolved which continue to ignite instability and discomfort on the campuses of the University of Liberia, instead of addressing these problems, the government has found solace in violating the rights of students and masses of the people.

According to them, the perpetual  illegal fiendish imposition of ban on student politics instituted against the student populace remains a gross violation of our fundamental rights provided in the 1986 Constitution of Liberia, The 1952 Charter of UL, the Student Handbook, African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, The 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights as well as Article 15 and Article 16 of the 1986 Constitution of the republic of Liberia.

“SUP remains uncompromising in its advocacy to consciously fight pseudo patriots, half baked educated bureaucrats,  micro-nationalists, fifth columnists, and incompetent bigots whose only interest is to loot the country thereby jeopardizing the future of the poor people’s children. SUP cautions the Administration of the University of Liberia to lift the ban on students’ politics as soon as possible or the Vanguard Party will use all means available to restore the rights of over 20 thousand students of the University” it added.

The campus based student group called on the government of Liberia  to stop interfering in the politics on the campuses of the University of Liberia.

“Since the coming into being of the Student Unification Party-SUP, her consistent struggle against ills detrimental to the survivability of the state as well as looting of the state resources, past and present regimes have utilized influencing the University aimed at effectuating selfish naked interest. Over the years, the University of Liberia campuses had emerged as a ground for the execution of government’s diabolical political machinations betraying as well as compromising the true essence for which the institution was created” they said.

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