– Bishop Brown Calls on President Boakai, says to Calm the Rising National Waves

Brewerville, Montserrado County – 09/25/24: With barely 9 months into the new Unity Party-led government, the storms of allegations of confusion, improprieties, and insincerities seem to grow every day sending conflicting signals of whether or not the government of President Joseph Boakai is capable of safely sailing the 6-years ship to shore.

Expressing serious concerns about the confusing state of affairs is Bishop Kortu K. Brown, the tough-talking Liberian cleric. He has called on President Boakai to take appropriate actions to calm the rising tides to enable him to govern with ease and results.

“There seems to be some ‘Jonahs’ in President Boakai’s governance ship”, Bishop Brown averred, insisting that there’s a need to calm things down to allow for effective governance, “President Boakai will have to throw out some of the Jonahs in his ship otherwise the sail will continue to be rough.”

The Bible character, Jonah

About 2800 years ago, a biblical prophet, Jonah was sent by God to call the people of the City of Nineveh to repentance because of their wickedness. The Book of Jonah Chapter One Verse Two recalls that God told Jonah to “Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and cry against it; for their wickedness is come up before Me”. Nineveh was the capital of the Assyria Empire at the time and a leading city for about 50 years. However, the people or its fighting men were wicked. They didn’t even respect the human rights of their captives.

“God wanted them to repent but Jonah failed to take direct instructions”, Bishop Brown said.
At the port in Joppa, Jonah boarded another ship to the southern coast of Spain ignoring his requested travel to what would be modern-day northern Iraq. “But the LORD sent out a great wind into the sea, and there was a mighty tempest in the sea so that the ship was like to broken” (Jonah 1:4).

“The Captain and Mariners didn’t know that a man with a previous problem had entered their ship which would cause problems for their smooth sailing”, the former president of the Liberia Council of Churches said. While the mariners fear for their lives and the ship, Jonah was sleeping on the sides of the ship but is not too early

Speaking at an early prayer meeting at New Water in the Desert Assembly APC in Brewerville this morning, Bishop Brown said “Time is of the essence because we don’t know how much time we got to do what is required of us”, adding, “we can’t say it is still too early to act because we don’t know God’s plan”. If there are ‘Jonahs’ in this ship, “President Boakai must act now to ensure that the ship sails smooth and that Liberians can continue to trust his ability to lead them in peace and quiet”, he said.

When the shipmaster approached Jonah on why he was sleeping while the storm battled the ship, Jonah didn’t respond, the preacher said. However, when the people cast a lot to know who was responsible for the problem, the lot fell on Jonah. “The prophet finally admitted that he had the problem and that he should be thrown into the sea”, Bishop Brown said, “which, the Captain did immediately to restore calm to the ship”

Leaders must admit when they’re wrong
Bishop Brown contended that a part of the bigger problem with Liberia is that people in official circles make up a lot of false stories just to get by. He commended the prophet Jonah for being real when they found him out by lot. “Take me up, and cast me forth into the sea; so shall the sea be calm unto you: for I know that for my sake this great tempest is upon you,” Jonah said.

“Who is responsible for this growing uncertainty and confusion in the country? Someone must take responsibility and act swiftly. It is time for President Boakai to act if this rough sail will be smooth” Bishop Brown concluded.

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