By Helen Nah-Sammie

Liberia’s Vice President Chief Dr. Jewel Howard- Taylor and several prominent Liberian women, including lawmakers, have joined other women from across the World at the Third Eurasian Women’s Forum in St. Petersburg, Russia.
Some of the women who are attending the International Women’s Forum are: Dr. Jewel Howard-Taylor, Vice President of the Republic of Liberia, Sen. Boto Kanneh, Senator of Gbarpolu County, Rep. Ellen Attoh-Wreh of District # 3 in Margibi County and Madam Helen Nah-Sammie, Publisher of Womenvoices Newspaper.
A letter of invitation addressed to VP Taylor reads in part:
“It is our great pleasure to invite you to the Environmental Platform competitions at the 3rd Eurasian Women’s Forum that are held for female leaders in different fields: entrepreneurship, media and science.
Three competitions for women changing science, business and media will be held in September 2021.
The Expert Jury will then conduct assessments and select finalists until 10 October 2021. The finalists will be invited to talk about their projects at the pitching session.
Award ceremony and the pitching session for the finalists will be held on 13 October 2021 as part of the Ecological Platform of the Eurasian Women’s Forum in Saint Petersburg (The Universe of Water museum complex) and online”.
According to a dispatch from St. Petersburg, VP Howard-Taylor will participate in several side events including the Gala Concert for Participants of the Third Eurasian Women’s Forum on October 13, 2021 at Mariinsky Theatre. The dispatch said, on Thursday 14 October 2021, Liberia’s Vice President will attend an event focusing on the Women’s Mission to Shape a New agenda for Peace and Trust, the Forum Opening Ceremony-Session and a Reception organized by the Valentina Matviyenko, Speaker of the Federation Council.
“On Friday October 15, Chief Dr. Jewel Howard-Taylor will attend an event solely on the Role of Women in the Integrated Development of the African Continent at the Tauride Palace, and she will climax the day with interview with international media”, the dispatch concluded.
The Eurasian Women’s Forum, regularly held since 2015, is one of the largest international platform uniting female leaders from all continents where they can discuss the role of women in the modern world and work out new approaches to solving global problems.
The Forum will be held for the third time in St. Petersburg on 13–15 October. The event is organized by the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and the Inter-parliamentary Assembly of Member Nations of the Commonwealth of Independent States (IPA CIS).
The topic of the third Eurasian Women’s Forum ‘Women: A Global Mission in a New Reality’ cannot be more relevant for today’s world. Boosting international cooperation to enhance the role of women in order to meet the goals of sustainable development, forming women’s agenda and new approaches to solving global problems in the new reality – these are the main objectives for participants and organizers.
The Forum’s business program includes plenary sessions, strategic and expert sessions attended by international organizations, discussion platforms, including discussions with global opinion leaders, parity discussions, public and private sector talks, business dialogues, webinars, workshops, and business breakfasts.
The focus of the Forum’s key discussions will be on the role of women in global security, social progress, and transition to new models of economic growth, healthcare development, and high-tech industries, solving global environmental and climate problems.
Expert sessions attended by international organizations and associations will be the highlight of the Forum. Those include field sessions of Women 20, the UN session on industrial development (UNIDO), the World Bank session, the BRICS Women’s Business Alliance meeting, international club of APEC BEST AWARD winners and participants, and International Club of Women Regional Leaders. For the first time, the Forum will feature meeting of the International Working Group of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development’s Nuclear Energy Agency on improving gender balance in the nuclear energy industry.
The Forum will also be attended by women – members of parliaments, executive officials, delegates from international organizations, global corporations, business circles, scientific community, non-governmental organizations and charity projects, outstanding representatives of international women’s movement.
The Forum will be held offline using modern formats such as video conferencing and online broadcast. This form will ensure the extended outreach and provide audience engagement.
The third Eurasian Women’s Forum will be held in strict accordance with safety measures aimed at preventing the spread of COVID-19. The organizing committee in line with WHO requirements has carefully drawn these up.