Given that we are aware of the position that the Women and Children Unit of the Liberia National Police (LNP) is taking in an ongoing investigation involving a child who is 15 years old, we do not want to cast doubt on the level of professionalism displayed by the police; however, we are somewhat dubious about the impartiality of the investigation.
We are concerned not only about the veracity of the claims but also about the fact that the investigation deeply involves one of the LNP’s own, Mr. Moses Carter, who unquestionably ought to be a primary source. This causes us to question not only the veracity of the claims but also the veracity of the investigation itself.
Given that Mr. Carter has admitted to having a relationship with the person who is being accused of the crime, it would be inconsistent and create a conflict of interest to allow him to speak on behalf of the Liberian National Police regarding this issue. This is true even in the event that one disagrees with this line of reasoning.
In an interview with this publication, Mr. Carter professed, “My thing here is that you can’t be accused of stealing, then you eventually turn the whole thing around into something else.”
When the alleged perpetrator’s spokesperson is also the spokesman for the Liberia National Police, it raises some interesting questions about the nature of the investigation that is being conducted by the LNP.
On March 7, 2023, Mr. Carter, who is the official spokesperson for the Liberia National Police, issued a warrant for the alleged survivor’s arrest due to an allegation of theft, and he later disproved her claims that she had been sexually abused by his friend. The warrant was issued due to an allegation of theft. We strongly encourage the Women and Children Section of the LNP, which is leading the investigation, to maintain their objectivity throughout the process.
We are of the opinion that the fact that Mr. Carter boldly stated that the alleged survivor is fabricating stories speaks volumes and makes it appear to be abundantly clear that the investigation may be compromised at some point in the future.
We see multiple reasons why other independent actors should get involved with the investigation that is being conducted by the LNP, which is possibly a long way from being credible, transparent, or independent. Given that the alleged perpetrator is reported to be Mr. Carter’s lover and that he has admitted that she is his friend, we see multiple reasons why other independent actors should get involved.
In light of the numerous disputes that have arisen as a result of the investigation, we are requesting that the Women and Children Division of the Liberian National Police provide a precise explanation of Mr. Carter’s function within the probe.
Because the allegation concerns the LNP spokesman, we are also recommending that the Ministry of Justice make an investigative body available in order to look into the matter.
We believe that if none of the aforementioned is done, the investigation could possibly be manipulated. This is especially true when taking into account Mr. Carter’s proximity to the alleged perpetrator as well as his influence within the police institution.
We see this as a recipe for controversies and conflicts of interest, and we ask for the involvement of an independent body because Mr. Carter previously informed this paper that Ms. Ruthlyn, the alleged perpetrator, is his friend and that he personally made plans with her to bring the alleged survivor to Monrovia.