-OluBanke King-Akerele, & ex pres. Sirleaf echo drum of peace, as ABIC launches Women Situation Room.

By: G Bennie Bravo Johnson I
Madam OluBanke King-Akerele, the Board Chair of the Angie Brooks International Centre for Women Empowerment, Leadership Development International Peace and Security, wants political actors confine in the proceedings of the Farmington River Declaration, and do all they can to ensure the maintenance of the unique peace Liberians now enjoy, during and after the pending October 10, 2023 general elections.
This patriotic call from the Madam OluBanke King-Akerele was made on Tuesday, August 29, 2023, when the Angie Brooks International Centre for Women Empowerment, Leadership Development, International peace and Security (ABIC), officially launched the Women Situation Room (WSR), which endeavors to reduce cases of violence in the pending elections.
“We have a commitment of the Farmington declaration signed by all the political leaders and the president, civil society, and the international community to protect the peace. The peace of Liberia is the greatest legacy of the former president Ellen Johnson Sirleaf.”
At said event, the Angie Brooks International Centre for Women Empowerment, Leadership development International Peace and Security board chair recalled that count six of the Farmington declaration calls on all parties to desist from engaging with actions or using languages whether off or on-line that will provoke violence and intimidation or human rights abuses, before, during and after the elections.
But in the view of the Board Chair of the Angie Brooks International Centre for Women Empowerment, Leadership development International Peace and Security, recent violence perpetrated by and amongst some of the political parties, undermined the above provision of the Declaration (FRD), which they all signed and pledged to abide by.
She added that since the start of the campaign, the environment has been pregnant with intimidation, hate speeches, violence and unauthorized militancy that has the potential of ruining the peace.
Despite the talks surrounding peace, she believes there is still fear gripping the nation.
However, she’s of the thought that there should not be only talks to support peaceful elections, but rather Liberians must take actions to promote peaceful elections.
As such, she called on the civil society, government, political leaders and the international community to take action in promoting peace.
OluBanke King-Akerele added that following the BVR process, ABIC have conducted their findings and made recommendations to the national elections commission and the international community.
At the same time, she calls for an investigation into the recent rumors of arm being purchased from Asia, and have the result made available. According to her, this information undermines the signing of the Farmington declaration.
Officially launching the program, former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf admonished Liberians to embrace peace.
As she demonstrated prior to her speech, she said chanting of slogans are not only to wake Liberian up but to unify and bring them together with oneness and unity.
According to her, this is meant to tell Liberians that they are all one people, one nation from different tribes and counties but with a single objective of withholding their peace and security.
“This tells us that we are all Liberians dedicated to the coast of rebuilding our nation. Dedicated to not just ourselves but for our children, children to give them the place to pursue their dreams and ambitions. That is what we have come together as a people she stated.
The Liberian Iron-lady noted that with those words, she likes to extolled ABIC, and all its donors, supporters and partners of the Women Situation Room for providing the funding for the project.
‘’Once again, we have come together in the spirit of unity, togetherness and the spirit of preserving the peace of this country. Let us vote because it’s a sacred responsibility and duty. Also, let us maintain the peace of our country for our generation here and to come. With that, I hereby launched the WSR.” she noted.
Earlier at the occasion, Cllr. Dr. Yvette Chesson-Wurehdescribed the WSR as a strategetic operation platform that is meant to promote peace and unity.
She aid that the WSR will be operating in Montserrado, Nimba, Grand Cape Mount, Grand Bassa, Bong, Lofa and Grand Gedeh Counties.
The Angie Brooks International Center for Women Empowerment, Leadership development International Peace and Security on Tuesday, August 29, 2023, officially launched the 2023 Women Situation Room in Liberia, aimed at promoting peaceful electoral environment and community security in Liberia.

The Women’s Situation Room (WSR), flagship program is being implemented by the Angie Brooks International Center for Women Empowerment, International Peace and Security.
The initiative is supported and funded by the European Union, United Nations Development Program, United Nations Peace-building funds among others.
The initiative also seeks to combat hate speech, political violence and enhance peaceful co-existence during and after the 2023 Presidential and legislative elections.
The program which was held at the Monrovia City Hall Ball Room, was launched and graced by former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Cllr. Francis Johnson-Allison, former Chief Justice and members of the diplomatic community including ECOWAS, UN and the European.
In the same vein, the initiative brought together political parties, grassroots women, youths and students as well as motorcyclists.