-Bong women, Cecelia Cuffy Brown commit to Weah-Taylor reelection

By Jerromie S. Walters
In the pending runoff election, Vice President Jewel Howard Taylor stands as the sole female candidate, representing a beacon of hope and progress for women across the nation. As it signifies a significant step towards gender equality in the country’s political landscape, the people of Bong County have spotted the valid fact that by throwing their weight behind her, the county, and Liberians in general stand a better chance of enjoying the nation they have long envisioned.
With this- Liberia’s Vice President and the running mate of incumbent President George Weah support continues to grow wings, especially as she has now gotten a fervent reassurance from the people of Bong, as their commitment to her reelection.
As referenced by history, Bong County took over 100 years to secure the vice presidency. Because of this- and consideringdifferent ways her leadership has impacted the people of the county and Liberia at large, they (Bong citizens) have committed themselves to doing all they can to ensure that the Weah-Taylor ticket seals about 90 percent of the total number of votes from the county.
This commitment to the Vice President’s reelection- is intrinsically being pushed by thousands of women of Bong County, with the relentless involvement of the county district #6 Representative Moima Briggs Mensah, and following several apt endorsements from different localities in the county over the weekend.
Like many other Liberians who see the VP as women only option, this ideology was also acknowledged by the women of Bong county- as the Vice President astonishingly climaxed Friday, October 3, 2023- with a major endorsement in Gbarnga City, from hundreds of them under the banner- “Bong County women in support of the reelection of Vice President Chief, Dr. Jewel Howard Taylor and the reelection of the Coalition Government.”
The colorful endorsement ceremony which was held at the Gbarnga Administrative building in Gbarnga City, Bong County- brought together women from the two major religions, as well as students.
In their declaration of support- the women referenced the Vice President’s commitment to education, advocacy and other critical ways her leadership has affected the county as reasons for their decision. They concomitantly guaranteed their unflinching support to her reelection.
“We the women of Bong County from different women organizations across the county, haven identified the numerous contributions and support for women empowerment which include- economic empowerment, educational empowerment, free scholarships, and vocational training and advocacy for women’s rights and positions, among others for the women and girls across Bong County, and Liberians at large for the past six years, and as the lone female Vice President and all Liberian women representation in the top executive position, we do hereby declare our unflinching support for your reelection, on this 3rd of November AD 2023.”
They assured- “Madam VP Taylor, haven said that, we want to assure you that beginning today, we are going to cut across the entire county within the remaining ten days to encourage our fellow women, girls, and especially our first time voters to vote for your reelection comes November 14, 2023.”
Overwhelmed and enraged with joy, the Vice President appreciated the women’s commitment to her reelection. In her opinion, re-electing President George Weah is intrinsic for Liberians and if they do so, it might be one of the best decisions they have taken. “I believe Liberians will be doing the right thing if they give President George Weah a second term.”
As a reference to how crucial the process is to the people of Bong County, Vice President Jewel Howard Taylor says the county future is tied to the runoff election. Because of this, she wants them to do all they can to ensure her reelection. As she considers it as the right decision, she’s certain that it will positively reflect on the county and its people.
Considering her works in the country over the years, she sees herself as the best leader the county has gotten. With this, she wants her reelection to be their priority. Moreover, Vice President Jewel Howard Taylor believes that this administration has done significantly well when comes to governance and impact on the lives of Liberians- contrary to how it has been propagated by the opposition. “There are too many lies,” she articulates.
According to the Vice President, opposition figures are desperate for state power and because of this, she wonders about their patriotism and plans for the state. For those officials of the county who are strong supporters of the opposition, she encouraged them to understand that her quest to retain the Vice Presidency is not backed by personal interest as it is with them, but for Bong County and its people.
Earlier the same day- Bong County District #6 Representative Moima Briggs Mensah, conglomerated hundreds of citizens of Salala District, Bong County, at the District administrative hall, and endorsed the Weah-Taylor’s ticket ahead of the pending runoff election.

At said occasion- Representative Briggs encouraged that as they (electorate) did for her in the October 10, 2023- legislative election, similar commitment must be replicated in the VP’s interest. “I know Jewel, she can’t lie. Jewel will not come to do it for all of you.” “Jewel is number two, go on the 14th of November and vote number two. If it’s not for you, do it for Bong County.
“She stood up for Bong, she has shown women’s representation. She has put Bong County on the map.” With this, she assures- “We will stand by you as women because you are our own. We will vote for you, we will talk to people and we will make sure that you will be re-elected because you are our own.”
She tells her supporters, “My traditional neighbors, thank you. I will support Jewel because the six years I heard her talking. When things were not done properly, she’s on record, she spoke about it.” “Thanks for always being there when I call, thank you, thanks to the men that stand by their women to support, thank you-“Representative Moima Briggs Mensah, acclaimed the Vice President.
Also at the occasion, scores of young people who earlier characterized themselves as supporters of the opposition Unity Party, endorsed the reelection of the Vice President. They have committed themselves to campaign vigorously for the Vice President. To achieve this, they have requested for campaign equipment to enable them jumpstart the process in the coming days. “We are willing to support your reelection,” they assured.
For them- the heads from the five clans of the district say wherever their representative is, there where they will be. With this, they have accepted her request for their support to the reelection of the Vice President.
As they have agreed, they are prepared to disregard other activities to campaign for the CDC. However, they apologized to the Vice President not to turn away from them after she shall have won the election. They have also asked for campaign materials to commence the vigorous campaign process. Like the women from the five clans, the district women warned- “We shouldn’t make that mistake.” She wants the women of Bong to do all they can to maintain the vice presidency, as she believes it might appear like they don’t know what they wan
Like scores of other officials of the County, Salala Mayoress, Madam Mama Y. Harris, commits herself to the Vice President’s reelection. She described the Vice President as one that has been proactive in seeking the best interest of the women and all Liberians. “You are not just a leader, but you are a leader that build leaders, “she tells the Vice President. With this, she admonishes electorate of the county to ensure the reelection of the Vice President, as she believes they have a lot more to benefit if it works out for her.
In her response to the women’s endorsement, Vice President Jewel Howard Taylor applauded them for their commitment to her reelection, but encouraged the need for more engagement in their respective homes, and communities. “Your talk to your husbands, your talk to your sons, Bong County can’t be left behind.”

“Salala district will have its own major hospital and Salala district will have a university,” she tells the women. She also assured the rehabilitation and reconstruction of major roads in the district, which is expected to commence after the election. “We will work for you. I’m calling again for everybody to join us in this endeavor.”
Following the conduct of the runoff election, she recommends the need for a development engagement, to discuss issues relating the development of the county. After the engagement, she says a document will be drafted and signed by officials of the county, for onward actions.
Also, the Vice President announced Friday as- “the day for Salala visitation.” This, she says will affect the different towns, to gag the citizens’ views on issues that affect them. As several young people earlier appealed for her support to forward their education, she encouraged them to commence with procedures surrounding the enrollment in Gbarnga.
At the same time- VP Taylor expressed joy over the reelection of Representative Mensah. She describes Representative Briggs as indefatigable woman and hailed the citizens of the county for their support to their lawmaker.
At the end of Tuesday, October 10, 2023- polls announced by the National Elections Commission (NEC) – President George Weah accumulated 77,184 (43.91%) votes in Bong County. He came ahead of his major contender who abstained 67,383 (38.33%) votes in the county.
Following Friday’s endorsement in Bong County, the endorsement for the re-election of President George Manneh Weah continues to swell, with the latest coming from an Independent Vice-Presidential candidate, Madam Celia CuffyBrown who has overwhelmingly endorsed the Liberian leader for his second term bid.

In a statement issued a few days ago, Madam Cuffy Brown said, that on July 15th, 2023, I entered the Liberian electoral race to contest for the Position of Vice President of Liberia, pairing with Robert F. Morris who contested for the Presidency of Liberia.
“On Oct 10, 2023, we exercised our fundamental right to vote, exercising our political franchise. At the end of the election, no one was declared a winner, however, the Unity Party and CDC emerged as the top 2 political parties to contest the runoff election. After much prayer and soul searching, of the two candidates put forward, Joseph Boakai and George Weah, I selected to endorse the 2nd term of Dr. George Manneh Weah. Mr. Weah took over the nation’s affairs and navigated the past 6 years with difficulties yet with grace to develop the nation. Despite tough economic situations in Liberia and all around the world, there are tangible development projects that can be seen throughout his 6-year term. It is only prudent that we give him an additional 6 years so that he completes his national development projects.”
In endorsing President Weah, what I like to see going forward are the augmentation of the salaries of Civil Servants, the security sector, job creation, and true harmonization of salaries to commensurate with the current economic standard.
She also thanked and cautioned all Liberians to put the peace that we have enjoyed under this government first, and not let the arrow speed of taking power break the peace that we paid so dearly for.
What has VP Taylor Done in Bong?
Political pundits believe dishonesty lies in concerns about what a former Senator who’s currently seeking reelection as Vice President has done for a county she got elected by twice, as senator.
But for some other reasons- it’s important to highlight her gains in the county, to basically dispel the political misconceptions. As widely known, VP Taylor runs the Jewel Starfish Foundation, a none governmental organization that provides academic, and vocational educational opportunities for young women.
Records from the Jewel Starfish Foundation show that the institution total budget for its high school scholarship students in Bong County is about 5.4 million Liberian dollars. This amount covers the fees of over 400 students from different schools in Bong County. As the scholarship covers other counties, the institution total budget is estimated at 21 million Liberian dollars.
She’s described as one of the ardent brains behind the establishment of the Bong Technical College and several other infrastructural developments they county continues to benefit from.
Also from a broader standpoint, Vice President Jewel Howard Taylor is the vision bearer of the YWCA Jewels Training Center. Officially opened on 25 July 2022, the YWCA Jewels Training Center is an establishment of the Jewel Starfish Foundation. Recently, the institution graduated over 200 beneficiaries.
Girls participating in activities of the center are exposed to a variety of skills which are: ICT, Cosmetology, Design & Arts and Bead Making. The programs will include: ICT- Microsoft office; web design & graphic design; hardware, social media technologies. Cosmetology- Hair, nails and skin. Design & Arts- Painting, drawing, sculpture and graphic design. Bead Making- The art or craft of attaching beads to one another by stringing them onto a thread or thin wire with a sewing or beading needle or sewing them onto a cloth.
Vice President Jewel Howard Taylor has also been actively involved in advocating for women’s rights and empowerment in Liberia. She has championed initiatives to address gender-based violence, promote women’s economic empowerment, and increase women’s political participation.
As Vice President, Madam Jewel Howard Taylor plays a significant role in supporting the President in implementing policies and programs to address the challenges facing Liberia. She continues to be an influential figure in Liberian politics, particularly in advocating for the rights and well-being of women.