-MOE lauds NASSCORP for donating 25,000 graph books

The National Social Security and Welfare Corporation (NASSCORP) has donated 25, 000 graph notebooks to the Ministry of Education (MOE) in Monrovia.
NASSCORP said students who failed math in the last West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) blamed it on the lack of graphic-sheets, as such; it was donating graphic notebooks to help with the situation.
Liberian students have continuously failed massively in the regional exam due to what observers attribute to poor preparation.
As a result of consistent failures, the Government of Liberia prior to the last examination, organized study classes for students across the country in order to build-up their capacities.
In spite of such support, NASSCORP observed that last year’s results were unfavorable, especially in mathematics, something that students have attributed to several factors including the lack of graphic sheets to solve math problems.
The WASSCE is a standardized regional examination administer to high school students as a mark of satisfactory completion of secondary education by the West Africa Examination Council.
NASSCORP said it wants the donated copy books distributed to students who are preparing to sit for the regional exam.
Speaking during the donation ceremony, the Deputy Director-General of NASSCORP, Mr. Nyan Tuan, said the gesture is in continuation of its support to the Ministry of Education, and is geared toward strengthening and improving the education sector.
“We are here today to donate to our students through the Ministry. So, we have decided to donate these graph books as our students get set for their WASSCE. By this, they will not have any excuses of the graph sheet,” said the Deputy NASSCORP boss.
He added: “We are happy to be here. This is a business we started due to our interests in the education sector. We will continue our partnership with the Military of Education.”
Also in remarks, Education Minister Professor Ansu Sonii, lauded NASACORP for the gesture, saying, “We are happy to see the arrival of these books. Thank you for your support to the student population in this country. We are very grateful for this.”
Minister Sonii stated that the ministry would use the registration roster of schools to aid in the distribution process of the donated books.
“This donation will go a long way even though we have some shortcomings. But again, this donation will go a long way. We will start the distribution beginning with Nimba, Bong, Bassa, Grand Cape Mount, Bomi and Gbarpolu Counties,” he pointed.
He continued: “Maryland and other coastal counties will be sent through boat. We need to also ensure that the private schools perform because without them we will not achieve anything in the educational sector, so they too, will be included in this distribution.”
Like Minister Sonii, Deputy Minister for Instructions at MOE Mr. Alexander Duopu, thanked NASACORP for the gesture, stating that there is a need for the support.
“Thank you for making our students to address their deficiencies in the areas of mathematics. What you have done today is so huge,” he, among other things, said.