The Managing Editor and Publisher of Liberia’s lone female-oriented newspaper, Women Voices, Madam Helen Nah-Sammie, has been appointed co-chair for the elections commission of the Publishers’ Association of Liberia (PAL).
The President of the PAL, Othello Garblah, over the weekend, named Madam Nah-Sammie among two others to head a three-member Commission to conduct the Association’s upcoming elections slated for later this year in September, to elect a new corps of officers.
Daily Observer’s youthful Managing Director Bai Best will head the PAL’s elections commission as chairman, while Madam Nah-Sammie will serve as co-chair, and Frontpageafrica’s Editor Lennart Doodo was appointed Secretary General to the commission.
In accordance with the constitution of the Publishers’ Association of Liberia, election of new officers for PAL is conducted every three years in September.
A statement released by the secretariat of PAL indicates that for the September 2021 elections, nomination is now opened.
The PAL secretariat in its statement disclosed that President Garblah is seeking reelection after completing the unexpired tenure of Mr. Philipbert Browne, who resigned in the middle of his term in 2017.