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Monrovia, Liberia – The Women NGO Secretariat of Liberia (WONGOSOL) has condemned a recently circulated video on social media that features an interview with a minor, highlighting the disturbing realities of child exploitation in the country. The organization emphasizes that the exposure of this child, who has already endured significant hardship, constitutes a violation of her dignity and well-being.

The video, which has drawn widespread attention, showcases the plight of a young girl from Kakata, Margibi County, who has been subjected to a life of exploitation. WONGOSOL describes the content as deeply troubling and indicative of a larger systemic failure in protecting vulnerable children within society.

In a statement, WONGOSOL expressed its firm stance against all forms of exploitation that threaten the safety and rights of children. “This incident serves as a stark reminder of the urgent need for enhanced child protection measures at every level of our society,” the statement reads. The organization has called upon media institutions and journalists to exercise caution and responsibility in their reporting, insisting that children in vulnerable situations deserve compassion and respect rather than public exposure that could exacerbate their trauma.

While recognizing the important role of journalism in raising awareness about child exploitation, WONGOSOL has urged reporters to adhere to professional standards that prioritize the dignity and privacy of minors. “There are numerous cases of child sexual exploitation in Liberia that require attention, but these stories must be told responsibly to avoid re-traumatizing the victims,” the statement emphasizes.

WONGOSOL also acknowledged the swift action taken by the Ministry of Gender in rescuing and providing protection for the girl featured in the video. However, the organization is calling for further government support in establishing safe homes for vulnerable children and conducting thorough investigations into the circumstances surrounding this case. “It is imperative that those responsible for the exploitation of this child, particularly any individuals involved, are held accountable under the law,” WONGOSOL stated.

The Women NGO Secretariat of Liberia is committed to advocating for the rights and well-being of children throughout the nation. The organization is urging all stakeholders—including media, government, and civil society—to collaborate in efforts to end child exploitation and foster a safe environment where children can thrive.

Founded in 1998 in Sinkor, Liberia, WONGOSOL is a non-governmental organization that coordinates over 250 women-led organizations across the country’s 15 political subdivisions. These organizations address a range of thematic areas including governance, peacebuilding, human rights, agriculture, health, and gender empowerment. WONGOSOL’s mission is to empower women and girls, strengthen its network members, and promote the rights and dignity of marginalized groups. The organization is recognized for its significant advocacy efforts for women’s and girls’ rights both nationally and internationally.

WONGOSOL says it remains steadfast in its commitment to protecting the rights of children and ensuring that their dignity is upheld in all circumstances.

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