By Decontee M. Karngar 

Consistent with its program tagged- “Talking Bus,” Liberia’s famous advocacy platform the Women’s Situation Room (WSR) on Tuesday, September 26, 2023, climaxed a day-long stakeholders’ engagement with authorities of the government of Liberia and citizens of the Township of West Point.

The engagement was enraged with an objective to dialogue with stakeholders, and community leaders as well as youths and women about the promotion and maintenance of Peace during and after the pendingelections. 

Concisely, the program was held at the West Point Town Hall. It was graced by the Commissioner of the Township Mr. Williams C. Wea, officials of the Liberia Immigration Service, Liberia National Police, Liberia Drugs Enforcement Agency, elder Council, Youth, Women as well as the Religious Community, Christian and Muslim. 

Remarking at the indoor program, the Cllr. Yvette Chesson-Wureh, establishment Coordinator of the Angie Brooks International Center for Women’s Empowerment, leadership development, International Peace and Security urged the stakeholders to abstain from being used as instrument of destruction during these elections. 

According to her, it’s now time that Liberian embrace peace by taking the message of peace to their communities, homes and children on grounds that Liberia is our common denominator. 

Cllr. Chesson-Wureh added that the easiest of the stakeholders’ engagement round table meeting is for all citizens to be aware about their role and responsibilities during these elections, something she believes will help curtains the violence and conflict among citizens.

“We have to ensure collectively that we maintain this peace that we are enjoying. It’s now time that we reject ourselves being used as an instrument of destruction to tear our country apart. There are more that unite us than that which will divide us,” she noted. 

Reacting to the Angie Brooks International Center for Women’s Empowerment, leadership development,International Peace and Security- the participants committed themselves to spreading the messages of peaceful elections to their various communities and homes.

In a remark, the Commissioner of West Point, Mr. Williams C. Wea extolled ABIC through the Women Situation Room for the education provided. 

According to him, the pending presidential and legislative elections are very crucial to Liberians. With this, he believes it’s important that all Liberian be told about their roles during these processes- with regards to the protection of the peace and security. 

At the conclusion of the stakeholders’ engagement, the Women’s Situation Room WSR also extended the engagement to the West Point Market with its talking Bus and provided Civil and Voter Education and Community engagement to residents of the populated slum of the Township. 

The Civil and Voter Education and Community Engagement of the WSR aimed at Promoting peaceful electoral environment and community security in Liberia.  

It endeavored to provide information and education to residents about how to vote, what to wear during voting period and adherence to security protocols and ordersduring voting. 

The objective of the Civil and Voter awareness is to help electorates learn from experts and ask questions about their rights and responsibilities during the October 10 Presidential and legislative elections. 

The program is funded by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) European Union, Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and implemented by the Angie Brooks International Center for Women’s Empowerment Leadership development International Peace and Security.

During the outdoor awareness, citizens and residents of the community had interactive conversations with experts- through questions and answers concerning invalid vote, and procedures of voting.

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